Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 234 Revenge Operation

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!On the first day of the declaration, six key members of the Mural Sect were silently killed in their hiding place, and their heads were thrown at the gates of the branches of the Mural Sect.On the second day, Niya, one of the bishops of the wall, was forcibly captured by four mysterious men into the heavily guarded residence. In the afternoon, his broken body was found hanging on the tallest building, followed by three key members of the wall. Was killed by an explosion.On the third day, the gendarmerie regiment began to fully intervene and assist the murals to protect their personnel, but four more backbones of murals were killed under their noses.On the fourth day, four mysterious people broke into the home of one of the bishops, Cohen, and took him away. In the afternoon, five backbones were killed. In the evening, the bodies of six were thrown on the altar of the bishop.

On the first day Neodo was furious when he mentioned the Ackerman family. On the second day, he gritted his teeth when he mentioned the Ackerman family. On the third day, he turned pale when he mentioned the Ackerman family. On the fourth day, he just heard about Ackerman. He looked terrified at the news. On the fifth day, he isolated himself in the office like an ostrich shivering and refused to receive any news. On this day, we killed 79 members of the Mural Action Team.

On the second day, we knew who was responsible for the murder of Mikasa’s parents and killed him. Then I ordered Mikasa to return to the training corps on the third day, and Phoenix joined us on the third day. Revenge action.

The sixth day."It's almost time. It's time to kill Neodo. After killing him, it's almost time to collapse. Our action can be successfully concluded." I said while eating breakfast. So many days of crazy revenge made me feel bad. The anger has been vented away, now I just want to go back to the training corps and have a good rest."No need," Lewell walked over with a newspaper. He spread out the newspaper in his hand and said, "Someone has to do it first." "Huh?" I opened my eyes and looked at the newspaper. The headline of the newspaper was astonishing: "Kenny the Throat Cutler reappeared, because the Ackerman family killed the Pope Neo-Alber family." Below the headline is a text report, without pictures.Jiuhe Book Court

"Why would they know that it was the Ackerman family that shot?" Phoenix asked seriously, "When we took revenge, we didn't let others know or reveal our identity." "These can be concluded by inference." I After pulling out the list, he said, "These people have persecuted the Ackerman family, and now they are all dead except Niodor. Isn't this result not obvious enough?" "The ordinary people don't understand. These, but it’s not difficult for those in control of the power to find them.” Xu Jingkun answered, “The wall teaching is a big piece of cake, and there are many people who want to divide it. We have hit its owner badly. Those who want to grab it must take it. It’s normal for the water to mix up and draw us to attract the public’s attention by the way.”

"Look at the newspaper. Although you don't care about this, there are some things you need to understand." I took the newspaper from Lewell and said, "A family of six, from three-year-olds to sixty-somethings. The old man, all his throats were cut and piled in the living room, very his style." Livell curled his lips, "Oh? You know Kenny?" I asked casually. Livell was silent for a few seconds before opening the mouth: " He is my uncle. "Puff!Xu Jingkun sprayed the soy milk out of his mouth on the spot, and I didn't get sprayed by him, "Kenny Ackerman is your uncle?!" Phoenix's eyes widened, "Um." Lewell was expressionless. "Can we not say this?!"

The captain of the suppression force, Kenny, is Lewell’s uncle. I heard this news and I’m not all right...

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