Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 235 Phoenix's Choice

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Lewell did not want to talk too much about Kenny, so we could only suppress curiosity and divert the subject, "Phoenix, what are you going to do next?" I asked, "I haven't thought about it yet." Phoenix She shrugged, but accidentally affected the wound on her shoulder. The pain made her grin. "It's been one night, the wound hasn't healed?" Lewell looked at her and asked, "I can't help but awakened. In a few days, it has not reached your level." Phoenix said helplessly.

According to Phoenix, the Ackerman bloodline is divided into three levels of "pseudo-awakening, semi-awakening and awakening". The functions of the body are several times that of ordinary people. There is a feeling that the whole body is full of power is pseudo-awakening; Being able to use one's own superpowers, but not being able to refer to them like arms, is half awakening; but being able to use so-called superpowers and combat skills proficiently is true awakening.According to this classification, I, Xu Jingkun, and Levier are all at the level of awakening, while Phoenix has just reached the level of awakening from semi-awakening. Each level rises, the body's functions (such as resilience) will be stronger. As for Mikasa, she just touched the threshold of awakening.

I have never heard of this kind of statement before, and the demon hunters on the earth have never had such a situation. Awakening means awakening, and not awakening means not awakening. Where are these messy divisions!Demon hunters basically awaken automatically when they are ten years old, unless you are not a demon hunter, otherwise there will never be a situation where you can't wake up.It seems that all of these weird conditions should be inseparable from the "War of Giants" back then, but we can't even get out of Paraty Island now, so naturally there is no way to investigate.Fubooks

"It's really distressing. Lilith is still going to school. I must get a job soon." Phoenix scratched his hair in distress. "Gawain, you are not my man. It's not easy for you to support me and Lily. Silk it." "Cough cough cough!" I almost choked to death by my own saliva. "Fortunately, Mikasa is not there." Xu Jingkun said quietly. I rolled my eyes, and said with a broken mouth: "Are we serious?!" Phoenix smiled at me and turned to look at Lewell: "Soldier, how is the treatment of the Investigation Corps?" "It includes board and lodging. There are 30,000 ris per month. When you don’t go outside the wall, there is another one per month. Rumby’s vacation." Lewell replied blankly, "So good!" Phoenix said in surprise, "What about the comfort?"

"What I just said was the salary of an elite soldier. The average soldier only had 20,000 ris." Lewell glanced at her, "You can't get the pension, don't ask." Not very good, the situation is also very difficult, but now it is much better to have the financial support of the Dark Silver Chamber of Commerce." Xu Jingkun answered, "Moreover, the investigative corps is covered by the wall. I will definitely not trouble you." "Wall" The death rate in foreign investigations is very high." I couldn't help but interject.

"Don't worry about Gawain," Phoenix said with a grin, putting his hand on my shoulder, "you don't know my strength, those giants can't kill me at all. Just take care of Lilith for my people. She is Someone called your dad." "Why did she call me dad for no reason at that time? You gave me a reasonable explanation!" I yelled depressedly, "Who did I offend?!" "Because Your face is very similar to Zela, and you have black hair like him." Phoenix said playfully, but a sad look flashed through his eyes. I opened my mouth, but I didn't know what to say."Don't talk about this," Phoenix waved his hand, "Protect Lilith, the mural is now a centipede that is dead but not stiff, everyone should be careful, we should go."...

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