You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!My breathing couldn't help but rushed, and I raised my hands under the sun. I felt that my hands now seemed to be stained with blood, red dazzlingly, "Damn it!" I couldn't help cursing, feeling a little out of control.In revenge, I can cut off the fingers, eyes, and skins of those who have persecuted the Ackerman family with a smile on my face, because I completely released the dark side of my heart and used hunting. Killing instincts allowed me to do these things, but now I am a little out of control.

I washed my hands with clean water, but I felt that they couldn't be cleaned anyhow. I always felt stained with blood, and pictures of killing flashed in my mind. At least 30 or 40 people have died under my hands these days. This is a completely different feeling from hunting out aliens. One requires fighting hard and hanging by a thread to kill the opponent, while the other is a crushing massacre.Shit~, after recalling my vengeance against the masterminds of the murals, I couldn't help but vomit. Although I used cruel methods to avenge my tribe, it was because of anger that I didn’t feel much at the time, but now I think about it. Disgusting feeling overwhelming.

"Damn, I knew it... vomit! I let them come if I knew it, really... vomit! I can't find it for myself." I vomited and said to myself, the whole person felt very uncomfortable, and it took a long time. He recovered and lay on the bed weakly to rest."Maybe I will feel better after sleeping," I muttered, turning over and going to sleep.

"It's disgusting!" Lewell muttered to himself while wiping the dagger. He hesitated for a few seconds, and finally threw the dagger aside with a wave of his hand. "Forget it, it's time to find Irvine." "I want it. Go with you?" Phoenix asked with a pale face, "I really don't understand why I felt so relieved when I got revenge, but now I think about it, but I am disgusting to die!" Lewell gave her a faint glance, stood up and said: "I Just go by yourself, you can rest a little longer." Old Friends Bookstore

In the office, Irvine pressed his temples with a headache, and then spread his hands to Lewell: "I need an explanation." "Her fighting power is no less than mine, just after months of special training. She can become the third strongest soldier of the human kind." Liwell said blankly, "This reason is not enough." Irvine turned his hand on the table and stood up and looked into Liwell's eyes. My instinct tells me more than that." "It's more than that," Lewell turned his head slightly, avoiding Irvine's direct gaze, "There are still things I want to tell you."

"You said, I'm listening!" Irvine frowned slightly dissatisfied, and said, "We do everything about the wall teaching." Lewell said lightly, "I, Xu Jingkun, and A few people from the Ackerman family. Except for Kenny's business." "What did you say?" Irvine lost his senses for a moment, "I think there should be no problems with your hearing." Lewell Some impatiently said, "Xu Jingkun and Gao Wen told me what happened, and then I joined them." "Huh?" Irvine sat back in his seat weakly, looking at his hands in a daze, "You guy Do you know how much you have done? In order to cover up for you, the entire senior level of the Investigation Corps has taken action."

"I don't need you to cover it." Lewell replied blankly. Irvine immediately sat upright when he heard the words and looked at him with a sharp look: "Easy to say! You know during your absence. How many times has the gendarmerie come to our station? In order to deceive them, I have been thinking about countermeasures day and night!" Lewell.The corners of his mouth twitched, and after a few seconds of silence, he said, "I'm sorry, Irvine, thank you." "Since you have said so, let it be the same." Irvine waved weakly." Register Phoenix's information and you will be her guarantor."...

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