You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!The last ray of sunlight in the setting sun shone weakly into the dormitory, so that the dormitory would not fall into complete darkness, and the sky had begun to turn to pitch black.I suddenly opened my eyes and sat up on the bed. It took a few seconds to remember where I was, "You are awake." Xu Jingkun's voice came from the lower bunk. I shook my head vigorously to wake up and asked. "Why are you here?" "The sequelae of too much killing is uncomfortable, so I went to get two bottles of fruit wine to adjust my mood." Xu Jingkun replied, "I'll give you one."

I jumped down from the upper bunk and took a bottle of fruit wine. I took a sip. A slightly sour and delicate smell filled my mouth. The taste was not bad."In a bad mood?" I sat next to him and asked, "Take a long time to conceal my tears, and mourn how difficult my life is." Xu Jingkun said blankly, "Sorry! Stop all these messy things." He punched him lightly, "Can't think of it?" "Somewhat." He nodded slightly.

"Go out and turn left without thanking you."

"Are you a brother like this?!" Xu Jingkun said angrily, "I didn't forget you when I had a drink, so you gave me back?" "Otherwise?" I spread my hands, "I'm not mental Doctor, what can I do? Otherwise, let's do it again, ah, Xiao Xu! How can you not think about it? You see this life is so good! This..." "Stop it, it's serious." Xu Jingkun said, covering his face with one hand. Aren’t you tired?” I slowly put away my smile without answering. Xu Jingkun glanced at me and continued: “Aren’t you tired with this feeling of fighting everyone’s wits and courage?” 90 Literature Network www.

I sighed and said: "Grisha told me that as a leader, your subordinates don't need to know your fatigue, your weakness, and your hesitation. They only need to know your strength, a good leader. Never expose one's weak side before the subordinate." "What does this have to do with what we just said?" Xu Jingkun waved his hand a little irritably, "You just say what you are for, but don't tell me it is for Revive Eldia!" I was silent for a long time before shook my head and said, "I don't know." Xu Jingkun was stunned. I glanced at him and continued: "The beginning was to unite with the powerful forces in order to use their power. Protected Mikasa, and then united with the Central Gendarmerie to unite his mortal enemies, because several of my friends died in their hands. Later, the wall of Maria was regained because of unbearable heart, and later to fulfill grisa Promise, I'm just wasting my time training the Corps."

"Sounds good." Xu Jingkun took a sip of wine and said, "I just feel bad and sigh with emotion. I think we have nowhere to go if we leave now, so we might as well continue to maintain this status quo. Let's go, it's time for dinner." I looked at him in a bit of amazement: "You quarreled with Yani and you were in a bad mood and came to me and sighed?" Puff!Xu Jingkun spit out all the fruit wine he drank. He coughed several times and then pointed his middle finger to me, then teleported out of the dormitory.

The next year was spent in pure training. Nothing major happened. The only thing that surprised me was that the wall teaching did not collapse. Instead, they relied on the leadership of the sons who suddenly emerged to barely maintain their own. The forces, but they have been obedient, and did not attack the Ackerman family anymore. Even when Phoenix Ackerman was promoted as the Valkyrie of the Investigative Corps, they did not move, so I did not trouble them anymore.Another thing worth mentioning is that with the opportunity of the wall religion, the Fuquanists succeeded in getting on the line with the Investigative Corps. However, only a few key figures in the Investigative Corps are aware of the existence of the Fuquanists, and the three-dimensional mobile devices of the Fuquanists also It was strengthened by this opportunity...

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