Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 246 Snow Mountain Training (6)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Gavin, what are we going to do now?" Alan asked anxiously. I was silent for a few seconds before turning to look at Amin: "Amin, what do you think?" "Let's wait." Amin hesitated. He said, "The situation is still unclear. We rushed out not only could not find them, but also wasted precious physical energy. Moreover, the instructors have begun to strengthen their patrols. Maybe there will be new news about them in a while. Just be patient and wait. When it's time to be dispatched, I think squad leader Gawain will make a decision."

"Amin is right, we just wait now." I said, "They are not in danger yet. As their companions, we should have confidence in them." Allen relaxed a little when he heard the words. , Opened his mouth and said: "I believe in you, Gao Wen. I also believe in their abilities. They can definitely overcome this difficulty." Aming opened his mouth, he stopped talking, and I patted him encouragingly. Shoulder: "Confident Almin! I believe you." Amin hummed softly, put away a slightly hesitant expression, and showed a little confidence on his face.

Twenty minutes passed, and many more teams reached the end, and the snow was getting bigger and bigger."Some people in Class 3 said that they saw them on the No. 3 trail of West Point Mountain with Dazs, so it seems that they are only five kilometers away from the end point." Marco said, "The remaining five kilometers are not necessary. Good to go, they still need to go around a cliff to go down the mountain, judging by their remaining physical strength, it is not optimistic." Yani put her hands on her chest and poured cold water, "Bad news! The instructor stopped patrolling because of the excessive wind and snow. "Betterhold suddenly broke into the room and shouted.

"What!?" Everyone suddenly became nervous, "Gawain, what shall we do?" Allen asked immediately, "Leiner, Berthold, and Yani are a team; Allen, Thomas, and Mikasa are The second team; I, Amin, and Mia are the third team; Marco, Jean, and Connie are the fourth team; the others stay here." I immediately waved my hand and said, "We will never abandon our teammates, since If the instructor doesn’t save, then we will do it ourselves!"

"Count me." Xu Jingkun's lazy voice came from behind me, "I am for the fifth team and act alone." I nodded to him, and didn't say much nonsense. Yani gave him a worried look. The words stopped."Our five teams searched in a dragnet-style search. Which team found them would launch purple letter smoke bombs to notify other teams, and if they saw purple letter smoke, they would fire green indicative letter smoke bombs, understand?" I said solemnly, " If it doesn't work, withdraw, don't force yourself, just launch a black letter smoke bomb to notify your teammates."

Everyone's faces also became serious. They stood straight, clenched their right hand to their heart, with their left hand behind their backs, saluted a standard military salute, and shouted: "Yes, squad leader!" I nodded and bowed back to them. After waved his hand: "Action!"

The wind and snow are several times larger than before, and it is almost invisible from ten meters away. In this case, it is very laborious to stand up, and walking around is like looking for death!Xu Jingkun and I looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes."This, how can I find this?" Connie couldn't help taking a step back and said, "No matter how difficult it is! We are their last hope." Allen gritted his teeth and looked at each other, all biting their heads Rushed out...

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