You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!After the team dispersed, I immediately stimulated the holy flame ability, created a relatively calm area within one meter in a radius to block the wind and snow, and turned on the hunter's vision to start searching for the surrounding heat sources.Because Amin and Mia on the same team both knew the secret of my superpowers, I didn't need to hide by their side.

"Gavin, you..." A Ming was taken aback when he saw my ability to inspire, because my hair, hands, and various parts of my body were burning with white holy flames, but these flames did not affect my body and clothes. No injuries."It's so warm! Brother Gawain, borrow your flames to warm your hands." Mia's eyes lit up and said, "..." I suddenly felt that my compulsion was lost a lot, but the person who said this was Mia after all. , So I just let her behave: "Be careful, don't get burned."

For ten minutes, there was no notice, no news from other teams, and the wind and snow remained unabated, but fortunately there was no news that any team would retreat.

twenty minutes.Still not noticed, the wind and snow blocked the line of sight, and the Hunter's Spirit Vision was also greatly affected. At most, he could only see the situation within 50 meters. The good news is that no team has left.

Twenty-five minutes.Allen and Thomas Mikasa’s second team retreated. Thomas’ physical strength could no longer support the next search. Allen sent him back. Mikasa found me alone and joined us.

thirty minutes.Despite my care, Amin's physical strength has reached its limit, and my holy flame barrier can only be maintained within a radius of half a meter. I plan to rest for a few minutes before making plans.

Thirty-two minutes.The bad news is that another team can't support the retreat, which means that Khrista and the others have a little hope of survival. We decided to stay here to check the situation.LeTV Novel

Regret, anger, and helplessness, the complex emotions stuck in my heart make me very uncomfortable, but the emotion that makes me most uncomfortable is guilt. In the original book, Khrista and Ymir lived at least until the end of the first season. If they die here, I killed them. This result makes me somewhat unacceptable.I hope that my intervention can save more people, but I don't want to kill them because of my intervention.

Forty minutes.Another team evacuated, and now we and Xu Jingkun should be the only ones left.

"You evacuate, I will stay and look for it again." I said blankly, "I will accompany you!" Mikasa said immediately, "No," I shook my head, "They need you more." "Gavin "Amin suddenly spoke, and I turned to look at him, "You did your best, and you did your best. Don't blame yourself." He comforted, I didn't answer, but just nodded to him.

After they left, I finally couldn't suppress the unhappiness in my heart, and I simply burst out all my strength.boom!The white holy flame spewed out from my body, turning into a tornado and burning the surrounding ten meters away, but the wind and snow immediately filled the space.I stayed on the spot for another five minutes. After I made sure that there was no news, I reluctantly fired a black letter smoke bomb indicating retreat. A few seconds later Xu Jingkun also fired a black letter smoke bomb, which means that the rescue team has all withdrawn. .

The rescue operation failed, and Khrista and the others were less fortunate...

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