Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 254-Mark's Intelligence

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Wait, is he the only person on the wanted list?" I asked quickly, feeling very strange. It stands to reason that Mark's ability can't be only in the third-in-command position, and this group of bandits should be nothing. Great role, otherwise Keith would definitely not keep them as the sharpening stones of the training corps, so there must be a reason why Marco is not the leader.

"Gassi, the former head of the Jackal Bandit regiment, his whereabouts are unknown after the Jackal Bandit regiment was annihilated." Keith saw my doubts and took out a document and said, "By the way, this bandit regiment was destroyed. What happened last week." "What does this bandit group do?" I asked, and I couldn't help feeling a little worried. If Mark did a lot of conscience over the years, what should I do."Of course it was a robbery," Keith shrugged, "but they don't seem to rob civilians, they only rob the chamber of commerce and the army's transport team. " I secretly relieved when I heard that, and began to quietly sort out the context of this matter. Keith saw that I stopped asking questions and did not speak, but started to deal with his own affairs.

Five years ago, Kemarco was judged "dead" by the restorators in the battle to capture the ancestor giant five years ago. At that time, he was performing a post-breaking mission, because most of the people who performed this mission were dead and Mark did not succeed. Come back, so Lance informed us of Mark's death.I did not believe in evil and asked a member of the armed forces team who had survived the post-breaking mission. He said that he saw Captain Mark fell on the head with a bullet. Now it seems that Mark was hit by a bullet to his right. His eyes fell into a coma, and no one noticed this because of the chaos at the time. As for how Mark left afterwards, how he became the leader of a bandit group is still a mystery, but the strange thing is why he didn't return to the right faction?Search for e-books

Through the previous chat with Mia, I learned that this guy Mark turned out to be an out-and-out daughter-in-law, so even if he woke up because he had been on the death line for a while, his temperament changed drastically and he was unwilling to return to the restorative. He wants to change his name and surname to start a new life, but Jiangshan is easy to change and his nature is hard to change. No matter what, he should come back to see her baby girl, unless...unless he forgets all this!The human brain is a strange thing. Using amnesia to explain Mark’s situation seems to be a perfect combination, but in any case, I have to see him. I must know what happened to him. At least I have to have an idea for Mia. Explain, I personally told her of Mark's death back then, but now he is still alive, I have to investigate the cause of the matter.

"Thanks Keith, it seems that I need to go to a secret mission." I nodded to Keith, "Will you still thank you? It's rare!" Keith snorted coldly and took out one from under the table. A new set of three-dimensional maneuvering devices, "Xu Jingkun sent here, code-named'Stalker'. The concealment obtained by reducing the jet rate and the wire rewinding speed has been greatly improved. You come to be a test driver. Also, you only have one day. , The marching training is as usual, but you don’t need to participate."

After putting on the stalker model of the three-dimensional mobile device, I turned around and left Keith’s office. After hesitating at the door, I decided not to tell Mia about it. After all, there is no guarantee about Mark. If there is an accident, I don't want Mia to feel the pain of the year again, nor do I want to destroy her good memories of her father.So what to do next is a question. Should I act alone or go to the reinstatement stronghold to mobilize people to help, and I am not sure what reinstatement people can help, maybe it may drag me back...

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