You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!After weighing the pros and cons, I finally decided to act alone. After all, the group of people in the armed forces are better at fighting each other. They can fight even if they want to fight. They are not afraid of death. But when it comes to covert actions and rescue of hostages, they will be blinded one by one.It will take a lot of time for the Dark Arrows team that is better at this kind of action to come over. When they arrive, I guess they have almost done everything they can do. In this way, I might as well act alone, and save time.

Now that I have made up my mind, I immediately set off like the robber dens mentioned in the intelligence based on the map provided by Keith. Generally, I would not pay attention to robbers. With the three-dimensional mobile device, I can kill chickens as easily as possible. Kill them one by one, and it is impossible for Mark to establish command among the bandits in less than a week. Such a mob can kill them even if I don't use a three-dimensional mobile device and only use a dagger.

Taking into account the need to save the gas of the three-dimensional mobile device, I took a horse from the training corps, and then it took two hours to get to the vicinity of the destination-a forest outside of a small town, so There is nowhere to buy food, which means I have to hunt for dinner by myself, but it’s only three o’clock in the afternoon, it’s still early, I plan to take the time to sleep and replenish my energy, and by the way, let the tired horse rest.I woke up halfway and hunted a rabbit. After the dinner, I went back to sleep. I continued to sleep until midnight. The robbers definitely fell asleep at this point. It was time to explore the situation. As for them Sentry?It is impossible to arrange with their quality.

I tied the reins of the horse by the tree and set up a simple defensive magic, then I put on the three-dimensional mobile device and set off.The band of robbers didn't even know that they were going to hide their whereabouts. The smoke that rose up when they were cooking that night indicated their location for me, which was slightly different from the one on the map but didn't change much.This phenomenon makes me very relieved, because if Mark is commanding, this situation would not happen at all. It is important to know that he can become a force leader not by strong force, but by clever mind and excellent command ability. It would be a lot of trouble if he was directing these bandits.2018 novel

laugh!The movement of the three-dimensional maneuvering device of the Rogue model is much smaller than that of the original model, but the corresponding speed is also a quarter slower than that of the original model. Some tactical actions that can be easily made with the original model are only available on the Rogue model. It takes a lot of effort, and it took me a while to adapt to this change.It took about ten minutes to get to the camp of the robbers. The situation in the camp was as I expected. The robbers slept like dead pigs, and there was not a single sentry in sight.I touched the hilt of the holy silver dagger at my waist, and I could let them all die silently in their sleep, but since Keith planned to use them as a sharpening stone for training soldiers, I didn’t even start. Necessary.

I controlled the three-dimensional mobile device and landed on the ground. After activating the hidden spell card, I started looking for Mark’s trace. I plan to talk to him and understand what he has gone through over the years and why he has no restoratives, but I have nothing to do. I plan to talk to him here, first let him fall asleep with sleep magic and then take him out of the camp.After that, if he loses his memory, I will help him remember it slowly. If he has a brain and don’t want to go back, I will beat him until he changes his mind. If necessary, I can also involve the soul...

Ah, only two-thirds of the chapter was written today. I'll post it as a deposit.No way, the state is not good, I'm afraid I can't add more on weekends, alas~

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