You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!After searching in the camp for a long time, I couldn’t find Mark’s trace. I couldn’t help being a little surprised. According to the truth, Mark, as the third in command of the robber (even if there is only one name), should sleep in a comfortable place, but I just put He may have searched everywhere but he has not been found.This situation shouldn't have happened unless...

With my left hand backhand, I drew the holy silver dagger back one square, then suddenly turned around, Yan!The dagger and the dagger struck with a crisp sound.I chanted the spell quickly and released a silent magic before awakening the other bandits.After a missed hit, the attacker did not immediately rush, but drew another dagger and threw it at me. I drew sideways, and the whole dagger was nailed to the trunk. The body of the dagger was completely submerged, leaving only a grip. The handle is outside, and at the same time I can see the identity of the attacker: it is Mark Manking!"Wait, let's talk!" I hurriedly said, "I don't have the habit of talking to dead people!" Mark's voice was much hoarse than I thought, and it was also full of murderousness. I am 100% sure that he has amnesia. Up.

Mark threw a dagger in front of him with his right hand back. Mia used this technique many times. Its name is "Pulling Technique". The technique is to slam into the opponent's arms quickly. Passing downwards, and then holding the opponent's head backhand to twist to break the opponent's neck, the action is fast and fierce, but once it is hit into the subsequent process, it is basically impossible to counteract it.When Mark pounced on me, my hairs all exploded. When Mia threw it into my arms, it was called Xiangyu, and she couldn’t really break my neck, at most I would hang it on my body. Jiao, but if Mark was pounced on it, it would be death!I don't want to experience the feeling of being broken my neck.When wearing a three-dimensional mobile device, I couldn't do many dodge movements, and I quickly moved away from the place with a teleport.

The duration of the mute magic is almost over. If I can’t silence Mark during this time, this action will fail. I can’t help but feel annoyed when I think of this. I blame myself for underestimating the enemy, because the opponent is a friendly. Some reckless actions resulted in the current situation."Mark!" I yelled behind him. Mark didn't stop at all. He stabbed me with a backhand. I quickly blocked his dagger with a short sword, and the two holy silver weapons collided sharply again. "I made the dagger in your hand for you!" I yelled. Mark didn’t move and hit my throat with the other hand. I blocked the move with my left hand, "I’m Gao Wen, your friend, have you forgotten?!" 000 Literature

"Shut up to Lao Tzu!" Mark roared, and the dagger pierced my heart in an extremely awkward position. I taught him this trick. "I don't remember these shit things you said!" "This trick is still I taught you." My voice was a bit dry, and my nose was sour. The duration of the silent magic was only three seconds, and the result seemed to be unchangeable.I kicked Mark at the price of being slashed in my left arm, and asked in a trembling voice, "Where is Mia? Did you forget her too?!" Mark's movement stopped suddenly. .

"Mia, my...daughter." Mark pressed his head with one hand, with an expression of pain on his face, "No, I promised her, I will definitely come back, I promised her. But no matter what happens What's wrong, I won't forget you, Mia." He leaned against the tree and gasped, his eyes still fixed on me, "Who are you? Why do you know my daughter's name?"

Me: "...This guy will never get rid of his daughter-controlled attributes, and why do I really want to hack him?"...

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