Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 272 Alan's Dream

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Why is my ranking behind Ellen!" Let alone drinking sullen wine, "Damn it!" At a table next to him, Xu Jingkun and I were discussing in a low voice: "Gavin, about Kenny How do you plan to deal with the problem? Don’t tell me that you really intend to report to the suppression of the troops. In case this is a trap, you will be sent away.” “I’m not sure yet. It will take some time to investigate and discuss before making a conclusion. "I replied with a shrug, "And even a trap may not keep me."

"Fart! Don't forget the identity of Kenny. According to our investigation, he is pure blood!" Xu Jingkun laughed at me, "Do you think you will be his opponent?" "He doesn't necessarily have Inheritance, and even if he has it, it may not be complete. As long as I prepare in advance, my chance of escape is as high as 80%." I replied calmly, "As long as we go to the opposing suppression force, we can find the reinstatement faction and haven't found the enemy for five years. Fang headquarters, Wang Zheng’s last barrier is equivalent to the end." "But you have only one small life." Xu Jingkun stared at me and said, "The only ones who travel through are the two of us." "That's why I said to investigate and discuss. It's a decision." I spread my hands. "And this matter can be set aside. That will happen tomorrow. Have you disclosed the information to Captain Irwin?"

"Is it true that you said you didn't go to the Gendarmerie? Are you serious, Ellen?" Thomas asked, "It is clear that it is hard to get the top ten results." "This is what I decided at the beginning, I am not I worked so hard to live in the interior." Allen said calmly, "I did this to fight the giants and to see the outside world." "I can't win it!" Thomas suddenly lost control. Shouted, obviously thinking of some bad memory, and the attention of everyone in the cafeteria was suddenly attracted to him.

Thomas looked around, looked at Allen and said helplessly: "You should also know that hundreds of thousands of people have been eaten by them so far. We have lost nearly 20% of the population. The answer is obvious. "Thomas' eyes revealed a deep look of fear, "Humans can't beat giants." Everyone who heard these words suddenly bowed their heads, and the atmosphere of the party suddenly dropped to freezing point.186 Chinese Network

"So? You give up because you think you can't win?!" Allen stared into Thomas' eyes and said, "This..." Thomas avoided Allen's gaze with a guilty conscience, lowered his head and didn't know how to answer. So far, humans have lost, but that’s because we don’t know anything about giants!" Allen continued to meet everyone’s gaze, "It doesn’t make sense to fight giants by numbers. Although we have lost many times. , But the information obtained from it has really brought us hope! Are we just giving up the information obtained at the expense of hundreds of thousands of people, and waiting obediently to be eaten by the giant? Just kidding! I will Killing the giants without leaving them, from the narrow walls to the outside, this is my dream! Humans have not really lost yet!"

The whole audience looked at Allen with surprised eyes. It seemed difficult to accept his theory. I wanted to applaud his words, but considering my current situation of being recruited, I feel a little embarrassed, because I can’t say anything. If he goes with him.Allen looked around the crowd, showing disappointment on his face and ran out...

emmmm~ I will try to spot the code in the next few days and try to break out a little bit. Please support me with a recommendation ticket!

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