Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 273: Conversation on the Steps

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Wait a minute, Ellen!" Aming, Mikasa, and Mia hurriedly chased them out, "I'm leaving for a while." I patted Xu Jingkun on the shoulder and walked out.

"Allen, what is the dream just mentioned?" Amin asked, "I borrowed your words a little bit," Allen smiled, "not to go inside the wall but to the outside." Aming hesitated when he heard the words. After a while, he immediately made up his mind and said, "I want to join the Investigation Corps!" Allen was stunned for a while, and asked in an incredible tone: "Amin, really?! You are a genius in theory. Why don't you make good use of your talent in that area?" "Even if I die, I don't want to be a drag!" Amin replied firmly. Allen froze for a while and stopped talking.

"I also want to go and see the outside world with Ellen and Arming!" Mia said with a smile, and stretched out her hand and took Ellen and Arming by the arms, "Mia..." Allen hugged her. "I want to join the Investigation Corps too!" Mikasa said in a timely manner, "Hey! You are the chief!" Allen suddenly turned around, "Go and join Xian... Gao Wen, why are you here? "Can't I be here?" I slapped Alan on the head and sat down beside him. "You all have to join the investigation corps, leaving me aside and no one cares. This makes me very Hurt!" I said half-jokingly.

"No, I... I didn't mean that!" Allen explained in a flustered manner, "I just..." "Alright! I'm just kidding, don't be so nervous." I interrupted him with a smile. "Aunt Carla, please ask me to take care of Alan. Alan would die soon if I didn’t follow." Mikasa said flatly, but I could hear a hint of grievance from her words. "I don't want to lose my family anymore." "Alright, let me hug." I moved to Mikasa and hugged her, "Don't worry, we won't die, no one will!" Quickly 123 www

Allen and the others have already been surprised by the intimacy between me and Mikasa. "Who said that I will die soon? I am obviously very good?" Allen said with a dissatisfaction, "Sooner or later I will take the giant Kill all, let human beings truly gain freedom, instead of being locked in a narrow wall like cattle!" "You don't know who the real enemy is!" I couldn't help sighing, "What real enemy? Gawain?" Amin turned to look at me and asked, "It's nothing, you got it wrong." I shook my head and denied, "No, I heard it too." Mia came to assist with Boshen.

"Gavin, who is the real enemy you are talking about?" Allen stared at me and asked, "What are you hiding from us?" I was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Why do you think so?" "Because your language and demeanor when you deny things are exactly the same as my father." Allen said solemnly, "He would talk like this when he didn't want me to know things." "Really?" I smiled bitterly. He touched his face, "Is it as exaggerated as you said?" "Where did my father go? What are you hiding from us?!" Allen stared at me and asked, I was helpless Covered his face: "Why are you so smart now?"

Allen didn't say a word, but stared at me, after a few seconds of silence, I took a deep breath: "Well, I know things will become like this sooner or later."...

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