Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 274 The Storm Is Coming

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Yes, we do have a lot of things hidden from you, because those things are too heavy to be burdened by you, and some truths have not yet been made public. Grisha let me choose the right time to tell you the matter. "I sighed and said, "It's not the right time yet." "When will it be?" Allen asked out of control loudly, "How long are you going to hide from us?" "Allen!" "Allen" Brother!" Mikasa and Mia hurriedly grabbed him, "Tomorrow, tomorrow night I will tell you everything." I said with a painful expression, Alan couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then apologized: "Sorry Gao Wen, I just... "It's okay." I interrupted him and turned to leave, Mikasa hurriedly chased him.

After walking with me for a while, Mikasa snorted: "Pretends to be true, obviously deliberately leaked." I stretched out my hand and tapped her on the head gently: "You can see it?" "Humph. , When did you accidentally leak your mouth?" Mikasa raised her chin and said smugly. I rubbed her head and sighed: "No way, the war is about to begin. I always want Alan Psychological preparation, after all, he is the protagonist." "The protagonist?" Mikasa repeated suspiciously, "Well, Grisha let him inherit something, and you will know what it is tomorrow." I shrugged. "Also, tomorrow, no matter what happens, you must remember to protect Aunt Carla first." Although I was puzzled as to why I said that, Mikasa nodded and agreed.

"Come on, the main force of the Investigation Corps!" "Captain Irwin, please expel all the giants!" The people gathered together to welcome the investigation Corps' expedition, which was completely opposite to the situation five years ago.Naturally, the strong support of the reinstated Dark Silver Chamber of Commerce and the secret promotion of Wang Zheng are indispensable. After all, it is different from five years ago. Before the wall of Maria was broken, the main pursuit of the wall was stability. Unstable factors are naturally thorns in the eyes of many people, and they must do everything possible to suppress or even eliminate them.But now the situation is different. There is no investigation into what Wang Zheng and gang of Corps did to retake the Wall of Maria?If the giant breaks again, who will fight in the first line?For this reason, they had to confess the investigative corps with kind words and green light all the way in many ways. That's why there is this kind of scene where the people are welcome.New Lewen Novel

"Look, it's Captain Liwill!" Sabel exclaimed excitedly, "I heard that he alone is equivalent to the combat power of a brigade!" (The brigade in the wall has 120 people). In the noisy crowd, Lewell's face could not help showing a trace of disgust and intolerance, obviously disliked this kind of environment."Look, it's Instructor Xu Jingkun!" Another training soldier pointed at Xu Jingkun, who was one position behind Liwell, and called out, "Do you think that Captain Liwell is better or the instructor is better?" , Of course, Captain Lewell is more powerful!" Sabell said decisively, "I think the instructor is more powerful." Another trainer retorted, and the two immediately started a quiet argument.

I stood quietly behind the two and gave Xu Jingkun a thumbs-up to Xu Jingkun, who was looking at me from the outside. According to the plot, today is the day when the super giant breaks the door, and one of the reasons they chose to do it today is to investigate the corps We will conduct an outside investigation today. The best one will go, and the rest is just a fart!But now with the information I provided, the Investigative Corps will kill a carbine after setting off for a while. In this way, it should save a lot of people...

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