Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 294 Levi's Companion

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Don't think too much! Do you think you can replenish gas now and get on the wall?" Lewell lifted his cloak and glanced at everyone with disdain, and poured cold water on his mouth, "I tell you the truth, for Hurrying to get back as soon as possible, we discarded all the unimportant supplies, and we left the gas supply device a hundred meters outside the Troost area. You can also try to supply it there."

Everyone's expressions froze. No one could accept the feeling of rising from hell to heaven and then falling back to hell. Everyone immediately reached the edge of madness and collapse."But," Lewell raised his eyebrows, and raised the blade with his left hand to point at the headquarters of the Garrison Corps in the Troost District. "We also need to repair and restore, so our goal is the same as yours. The Investigative Corps will get through there. You just need to follow us and pass quickly. If you can’t even do this, then go to death!”

I took a closer look, and several figures followed Lewell. The petite woman with red hair and a double ponytail should be Lewell’s god-sister Isabel Magnolia; the one next to him was scornful. The light-yellow-haired man should be Levi’s companion Franchurch, whom Levi knew from the underground street; the last woman with dark blond hair and a beautiful face should be Petra-Laru, a member of Levi’s class. As for Levi I did not see the other members of Urban.

"Hey," I touched Xu Jingkun secretly, "Who are in your elite class with Livier?" "Why are you asking this?" He asked strangely, "I'm just curious," I curled my lips. "I don’t know what happened to the plot of Levier because of our intervention." The members of Levier in the anime are Levier, Oluo-Bochat, Elder-Jin and Jun. Da Schultz and Petra are five people, but now there are Frank and Isabel who were changed by Xu Jingkun, and there are four people Xu Jingkun and Phoenix. There are too many nine people to form a class, divided into two The class feels that there are not enough people. I am particularly curious about how they arrange it now.Worry-free Book Online

"Lewirban has Oluo, Elder, Junda and Petra, and my class has Fran, Isabel and Phoenix." Xu Jingkun said. I waited for a few seconds and didn't see him follow. I couldn't help but He asked, "That's it?" "Right." He nodded, "Nothing?" I didn't believe it, "Otherwise, how complicated do you think it is?" Xu Jingkun asked helplessly, "My class is staying. When the time comes, you can ask Mikasa to go directly to my class after reporting to the Investigation Corps." "Thank you for that." We quickly ended the topic, because Captain Lewell had already started assigning tasks.

"My squad went straight to the headquarters, killing all the giants we encountered on the way, and then we will establish a preliminary position in the headquarters to meet the arrival of the large forces." Levier took out a map of the Trosts area and traversed it. "Xu Jingkun and Mikban are respectively responsible for the giants in the left-wing and right-wing areas of the road. I don’t care if you kill or lead them away, don’t let them gather. Petra, tell Irwin about my arrangements. Bring our people here by the way, and let him take care of the rest. Don't let that guy just watch and do nothing. I must take what I said just now, especially what I said to him, understand?"

Yesterday, I thought about a few more chapters today, but today it seems that I have committed a lazy cancer again.One_one|

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