You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Yes, Captain!" Petra hurriedly paid a serious salute when he heard Captain Livell's instructions, "Guaranteed to complete the mission!" Seeing Petra leaving, Xu Jingkun suddenly hit his elbow. For a moment, he looked at Petra first, and then snarled at Livel. The meaning to be expressed was obvious-Petra liked Livel.I smiled, and asked in a low voice: "Which step is it?" "It's still too late to confirm the relationship." Xu Jingkun also responded in a low voice. At this moment, Levier suddenly turned his head and glanced at us, and we closed quickly. The mouth is separated.

Lewell frowned suspiciously and looked at me and said: "Gawain." "Ah, yes!" I couldn't help but feel a little guilty, "Do you have enough gas and blades?" Lewell asked, "I'm here. I added it on the corpse, and it's more than enough now." I replied quickly, "Very well," Levier nodded blankly, "You temporarily join my class and act with us." "Yes, captain. "I said after a salute, Mikasa tugged at the corner of my clothes with some concern. I couldn't see the slightest arrogance of holding everyone with a knife just now. I gently held her hand and smiled comfortingly at her. laugh.

"Captain, what about us? What's our mission?" Marco raised his hand boldly and asked, "Just wait for the large troops of the investigation corps to come over, and then act with them." Lewell glanced at it. He replied at a glance, Marco nodded and stopped talking.After waiting for another five minutes, there was a sound of horseshoes from far to near, and all the members of Livierban and Mickban arrived."Now that everyone is here, let's start the action!" Leewell didn't talk nonsense, immediately waved his hand to signal the start of the action, and then rushed to the target first, "The horse stays here, and the army can take care of us. ." Everyone in Levi's class followed Levi to the target. As a temporary member, I naturally followed quickly.Wonderful book bar

"Get to know, Gawain Ackerman, your temporary teammate." Leewell said without looking back during the flight, "Oh, Captain, do you make this arrangement mean that he will become one of us in the future? Elder asked me with a smile, "Then I will welcome you in advance." "Hey, I don't know how strong this kid is!" Oluo gave me a slightly dissatisfied look. Obviously, I was very dissatisfied with being so ceremoniously wooed by the captain. "Is that the captain?" Petra smiled at me friendly and asked Liwell.

Lewell glanced back at us and did not answer. When I saw it, I could only smile bitterly, and said helplessly: "Seniors, I really want to join you, but I was recruited the day before graduation. Compulsory." "Calling?! Who is your kid fooling?" Oluo shouted immediately, and the rest of the Leveillian also showed disbelief, "I will help you ask Kenny when I look back. I would like to know why that old guy did this!" Levier said without looking back, just to help me out.

"Which troop is Gao Wen?" Junda asked curiously, "I have never heard of a troop that has the right to forcefully recruit soldiers to join, and it also crossed the three major corps to directly pull people from the training corps." I don't know." I shook my head and lied. "That Kenny didn't say which unit he was from, only that someone would come to pick me up at that time." "What kind of unit, so mysterious, I just don’t know what the real level is!" Oluou curled his lips disdainfully...

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