Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 312 Research Madman Han Ji

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!The time goes back four minutes.A burst of jet sound came from above. Although it was not possible to see who came, it was the investigation corps in almost all cases. A Ming and the others immediately showed joy and relaxed a lot.Then there was a sound of footsteps coming from far and near, and a figure could be seen running towards us through the disturbance of the smoke.Mikasa and Mia were on guard for a while, but after seeing the visitor, they immediately lowered their blades, with a helpless look on their faces. I turned my head to look at Alan, and gave him a self-seeking expression.

"Alan Jaeger, tell me how it feels to become a giant? Do you feel pain when you block a cannonball? Will the body of the giant be very hot?" Han Ji found it fun. Like the toy child, he held Allen on hold, and kept asking questions, "Uh~" Suddenly he was pulled so much by someone he didn't know and raised so many questions to Allen. Unable to react for a while, he could only look at Han Ji with a confused look, but Han Ji didn’t realize it, and even began to stretch out his hands and touch Ellen, "Hey! What do you want to do? ??!" Allen naturally resisted Han Ji's hooliganism, but how could he be the opponent of the excited Han Ji when his energy was nearly exhausted?His resistance failed in two or two, and Allen could only turn his eyes on me for help.

Looking at Han Ji, who was already preparing to take off Alan's clothes, I couldn't help but fight a cold war. It was terrifying to study madman!"Captain Han Ji!" I yelled helplessly, "Ah...sorry, I'm rude." The call to Han Ji by me finally broke away from the frenetic state of research, restored a serious expression and corrected Allen. Said after the clothes, and then took a step back and stretched out his right hand to Allen: "I’m officially recognized. My name is Han Ji Zoye, the captain of the investigation corps." "Alan Yeager, 104th training soldier." Alan shook hands with Han Ji with some fear and restraint. Obviously, what Han Ji had done just now left him a great psychological shadow.Reading room

At this point, most of the smoke has dissipated, and you can barely see the surroundings.Seeing that Commander Irwin on the platform had basically taken over the command, Allen and the others finally relaxed completely, but then Qizi's yelling made their newly let down heart lifted again.I stared at Qizi coldly, as if watching a clown's performance. In my opinion, his noise would not have any effect, on the contrary, he was constantly pushing myself to death. If you can get out of the waves, then Captain Irwin doesn't need to be confused. Is it really because the Investigation Corps is muddled?!

"Fire me! Kill that monster!" Hearing Qizi's yelling, Allen couldn't help but shrink his pupils. When he raised his right hand to his mouth, he was about to bite it down. "Don't worry, if I can shoot this cannon, I will Eat the grenade." I stretched out my hand and took Alan's hand and said slowly. The next step was to watch Lewell and Irwin beat Keez. Mikasa and Mia showed understanding expressions on their faces."Ah, it's the first time I saw Elvin hit someone! It's so funny." Han Ji exclaimed with a strange look on his face.And a few seconds after Irvine killed Keez, a somewhat lazy voice came from a distance: "Oh, it seems that I am a step late, old man."...

This is the first chapter of today, and there will be a second chapter later.Ask for a recommendation ticket!^_^

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