You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Commander Picksis!" After seeing the identity of the visitor, the garrison could not help but shout in surprise. They saw a man who was about 1.7 meters tall, had a bald head, and had a handful of gray beards. Above his lips, the old man wearing the uniform of the garrison regiment and wearing a ribbon symbolizing identity from his right shoulder to the left waist was walking slowly with a few soldiers.All the garrison soldiers present hurriedly clenched their right hands to their chests, with their left hands behind their backs and saluted the old man with a very respectful look.

Dart Picksis, the commander-in-chief of the Southern Military Region of the Garrison Corps, is also the highest officer of the troops present.At the same time, because the number of giants in the southern region is far greater than that of the other three regions, the strength of the southern military region of the Garrison Corps is also the strongest of the four military regions, and even the other three military regions combined are not as good as the southern military region. So Picky It is not an exaggeration that Si is the highest officer of the regiment.In the eyes of the garrisons, Picsis must have come to find a place for them. After all, the investigative corps had just executed their chief in front of him. How could Picsis not find the place back after such a face-slapped thing? Come on?

"This old fox!" Looking at Picksis who looked like a kind old man, I couldn't help but curse in my heart. It was obvious that I arrived here a minute or two after the investigation corps arrived, but I kept hiding in the dark. He kept observing silently, until Kitz was killed by Irwin before he came out of the hiding place pretending to have just arrived. If I hadn’t scanned the neighborhood with the Hunter’s Spirit Vision, I’d probably be caught by him. Deceived.Such an approach can not only understand the general situation, but also suppress Irwin's momentum. The only price that needs to be paid is the life of an idiot who does not know how to advance or retreat, is greedy for life and fears death.

I have to say that Jiang is still hot. The sudden appearance of Pixis did surprise Irvine, but Irvine's city and strategy are not shallow, only a trace of surprise flashed on his face. After coloring, it returned to normal."Commander Picsis." Irwin nodded to Picsis as a greeting, and after Irwin nodded, the investigating corps saluteed Picsis, but Picsis didn't seem to have any. Noticing this, smiling and nodding to Irwin is a response.Search Novels

"Captain Irwin, you just executed one of my men. I want to know what unforgivable thing he did?" Pickex asked knowingly, "Yes, he..." Irwin said with a face As usual, he once again enumerated Qizi's crimes in front of everyone, "This way, it seems that it is indeed unforgivable." From his waist, Pickex took out a silver jug ​​with delicate patterns. After taking a sip of wine, he said slowly, "Then it's fine, now I will take over the defense of the Garrison Corps in accordance with the wartime regulations, is it okay?" "This should be the case." Irwin nodded. .

"Wait for the commander, does that mean the death of Chief Wellman?" Ricco couldn't help but said. Pickex's eyes sharpened, he glanced at Ricco and asked: " This is my decision. Why, do you have any objections?" "No...No, I'm sorry, Commander." Rico's cold sweat couldn't help flowing out at such a glimpse of Picksis, and he immediately replied with a polite step back...

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