You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!At the same time, Amin was sharing his thoughts with the staff of the garrison."There is no need to fight the giants?!" A staff officer asked in surprise, "Yes... I'm sorry, I'm a small trainer here to interrupt." Facing the other party's question, Arming suddenly panicked, "It's okay, continue just now Let’s talk about the topic.” The staff officer shook his head and said kindly, “Yes!” Amin nodded.

Amin looked down at the battle map, organized a few words, and said: "Because giants generally respond to larger crowds and chase them, if we can make good use of this, we can introduce a large number of giants to gather. If you come to the wall, I think most of the giants can be led away from Alan without contact with them, and we can also use the cannon to defeat them afterwards without harming the giants who are lured over. But I can’t let Allen be unguarded, so I think we should send a few elite squads to protect him. After all, facing the giants who have just entered through the cave, there will be a battle, and then we can only rely on the elite squads. Up."

"Okay, I understand." The staff officer who had just raised the question nodded and said, "Then make a new plan based on this." "But..." After hesitating, Amin said his worries. "This combat operation is based on the premise that Allen can move the rock to block the hole. I will carry out this combat operation without such a guarantee. I still feel that there are some doubts." "Indeed, Sending a large number of soldiers to death when the fundamental part is not clear, I also feel something wrong." The staff officer nodded in agreement with Armin with his arms folded. "But Commander Picksis thought. I can understand."

"One is a matter of time," said a female staff officer on the side. "Giants are still entering the city continuously and fighting back and forth on streets full of giants. The success rate is desperate. "In addition, the probability of Rose's wall being broken will continue to increase." The male staff officer added, "There is one more thing," the female staff officer said with a solemn expression. Taking a look in the direction of Picksis, "Humans use fear as a source of motivation to force themselves to move forward. There is also a limit." She did not say the second half, that is: "Once the limit is exceeded, it will It is a larger-scale collapse, and the situation will really be irreversible.” Although it is said that the mourning soldier will win, it is also based on the hope of victory.The only Chinese website

"Is this the plan for this recapture battle?" Pickex said after reading the written report submitted by the staff, "Yes, commander!" Amin and the staff saluted. The plan is good." Pixis nodded, then turned to look at Irwin who had already understood the plan, "Irwin, should you be responsible for a part of the elite class?" "This is natural. Irvine nodded, "Lewell, your class..."

"Impossible!" Before Irvine could finish speaking, Lewell, who was leaning on the cannon, interrupted him. "The previous continuous battles of the Investigative Corps have long consumed most people's physical strength. It's seven or eight, and they haven't recovered to a good state until now. Calling them to fight fiercely with giants at this time is tantamount to letting them die!"...

There will be two changes today, so I ask for a recommendation.T_T

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