Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 321 Candidates for Protectors

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"I won't let my people go to death." Lewell looked straight into Irwin's eyes and said, his tone was flat but very firm, "Lewell." Irwin's tone was full of helplessness," Don’t worry, I’ll take the shot.” ​​Lewell straightened up and said, “There are Xu Jingkun and Phoenix, and then two trainers from the training corps. This should be enough.” “It’s Gawain-Ackerman and Mikasa-Ackerman, right?" Irvin said, "Commander, what do you think?"

"The old man really wants to know how powerful the two trainers are?" Pixis said with squinting eyes, his tone could not be heard. "The weakest one is not much weaker than me." Lewell replied solemnly. Said, "That's it," Picsis laughed, "The old man has no opinion. The three elite squads of the Garrison Corps will act with you. Now let's call everyone here and assign combat tasks. ."

"You two, come with me." Just when I was in a daze, Lewell's voice suddenly rang in my ears, "Ah? With whom? Where?" I was still in a state of confusion and had not yet reacted. , "Together with Mikasa, go and be the bodyguard for that kid in your small team." Lewell glanced at me and replied blankly, "Ah, I finally have something to do!" I stretched my waist and Kamikasa followed Lewell and walked in the direction of Picksis.

Due to time constraints, the garrison regiment was extremely efficient this time. It only took five minutes to assemble the elite class that was previously dispersed and assigned to the supervising team."It seems that everyone is here. You have only one task, which is to serve as the protector of Alan Yeager, responsible for eliminating all threats generated during the battle. This should be the most dangerous and difficult task in this battle. The mission is over.” Picksis said to the three elite squad leaders Ian, Ricco, and Mitabi standing in front of him with a serious expression, “Five Ackerman will act with you, Ackerman’s You also know the strength, and your performance will directly determine the destiny of mankind." Weishu Bar

"Commander, can your subordinates ask a question?" Ricco couldn't help but said, "Go ahead." Picksis said blankly, "Can that so-called human weapon really work?" Ricco doubted Asked, "Shut up, Ko!" Ian quickly whispered, "Don't you have this question too?!" Ricco replied dissatisfied, "Commander, this battle is based on Alan Jaeger Based on this extremely uncertain basis," Mitabi said worriedly, "If he fails to play a role, it will cause many soldiers to die in vain."

"Well, it's troublesome." Picksis squeezed his white beard helplessly. "Do you three like losing to giants so much? The old man doesn't like it! The old man dislikes everything. The thing of this is defeat, but the world is unpredictable. Since the old man came to the world, he has always failed." Picksis said, turning his back to the three people, "The old man wants to defeat the giant! Those low-energy stupid Egg, what the old man said, we must defeat them!" "This... we are the same as you!" Ricco said quickly, "If this is the case, then you can only take a bet on him!" Picksis Turned to look at Rico, his eyes were sharp, "After all, the extremely uncertain basis in your mouth is the only possibility we can defeat the giant now!" Rico and the three were startled when they heard the words, and finally did not express any objections...

This is the second chapter, ask for recommendation votes.T_T

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