You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Gawain!" Reiner and Berthold were particularly surprised at my arrival. I also caught a trace of panic from their faces. "Your mission is completed? So take a break here?" I scanned. They asked again and again, "Almost." Rainer said hesitantly, "Gawain! Why are you here?" Marco flew over at this time, "What else are you two doing?"

Marco didn't hear their conversation, right?I secretly said in my heart, even if I heard it, he wouldn't say it, right?"Do you still have tasks?" I asked, "Almost all done." Marco replied, "What's the matter with Gawain...You are injured?!" "It's just a minor injury, it's already taken care of, don't worry. I." I waved my hand and said, "Since you have completed the task, then follow me to support Alan. Now that the battle is at its most critical time, we need more manpower." "Yes!" Ma But they agreed without much thinking, but Rainer and Berthold hesitated for a while before nodding, "Understood!"

On the surface, I asked Reiner and Berthold to help as if it gave them a chance to take Alan away, but don’t forget that there are five Ake from Levi, Xu Jingkun, Phoenix, me and Mikasa. Man, if they really want to attack, they can't decide who will win!Rainer and the others probably thought of this too, so they worried that I might have just heard their conversation and set a trap for them and hesitated.120 novel

laugh!The giant grabbed an elite squad soldier with both hands, and then bit it hard, blood spurted out immediately, "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Rico shouted, "Squad leader, I can't hold it anymore, we are the only ones left in our class!" "Damn it!" Rico squeezed the blade tightly, and went to the door to protect Allen. Behind her was only one of her squad leaders. Under the siege of several giants, her squad was naturally clumsy, and suffered heavy casualties. "You go to the front and ask them to transfer someone over, here I will stand up!" Rico shouted. When it was time to ask for help, she would never try her best, "This is an order!"

"Damn giant!" I speeded up the sword and slashed on the right hand of a giant who was holding the corpse of a garrison and gnawing relish, and cut off its right hand from the wrist. "Roar!" The giant suddenly roared. , Turned his head to me, and Marco behind immediately seized the opportunity to cut off the back of its neck with a single knife, and the giant fell weakly."Why are there so many giants?" Marco asked with a breath, "I guess they were all attracted by Allen," Rainer replied blankly, unable to tell what he was thinking now, "Such a big man. The food is much more attractive than our little ones." "What about Gawain now?" Marco looked at me subconsciously, "I can only kill it." I said helplessly.

"Ackerman!" At this moment, a white-haired figure called from a distance, and flew towards us quickly, "Squad leader Rico?" I fixed my eyes to confirm the identity of the visitor, "You few Cooperate with me to defend here, and these giants can't hinder Alan!" Rico didn't talk nonsense, and told us her purpose straightforwardly. During the war, she didn't have the time to care about the unhappiness with me."Understood!" The four of us immediately responded, "I am responsible for the ten-meter-class one on the left, and you will leave the rest to you." I looked at the two giants and decisively chose the more difficult side, controlling Rushing towards the target with the three-dimensional mobile device...

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