Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 329 Trouble Shooting (5)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Lewell jumped back to avoid the giant's slap, then shot the hook anchor on the giant's shoulder, and then controlled the three-dimensional mobile device along the giant's arm with the holy silver blade to cut it all the way, and directly destroyed it. With one hand, "Hey!" Levier slammed the giant's blood in disgust, and quickly cut off its back neck. Levier must pay attention to the loss of the blade before switching to the holy silver blade. But now, you can cut it as you want, knowing that the blade of the holy silver knife is almost never worn.

"This bunch of bastards, how can you kill them?" Lewell glanced at the giants who were constantly pouring in from the gap and gritted their teeth, even though he and Xu Jingkun, Phoenix and Mikasa had already fought hard. , But there are still a few elite soldiers buried in the mouth of the giant. "Damn it!" Levier looked at the holy silver blade in his hand with some distress. Usually, when dealing with giants, he would not use him as much as possible. , He didn't want it to kill the giant without a last resort, after all, this thing is a silver product!

"This guy Levier usually takes it with him wherever he goes. He wipes it with a handkerchief four or five times a day, and puts it under the pillow when he sleeps to be at ease. Oluo accidentally did it last time. Some dust on it was beaten severely by Levi's, and he treated it as if he was his lifeblood." This is what Xu Jingkun said, and Levial ​​beat him when he knew it. , But did not deny this statement.Shubada Novel Network

For the giants, Allen is as eye-catching as a torch in the dark, making them "pounce" at Allen like moths to the fire, and Ian and others are also in a bitter battle."Mitabi!" Boom!The giant slapped it and patted Mitabi, who was stunned by the death of his companion, into meat sauce. Ian shouted in grief and anger, but finally only gritted his teeth and ordered: "Shrink the defense line! Everyone fully cooperates with Levier. The members of the combat squad beheaded the giants!" "What the hell are the guys on the wall doing? They also provided artillery support at the beginning, but now they are misfired when they are dying?" Xu Jingkun said angrily, "There should be no shells. Got it." Phoenix replied helplessly.

A knife slashed fiercely on the back of the giant's neck, but the blade broke in two when it was about to cut the key point. "Damn!" I yelled, and quickly kicked the giant's shoulder with the force of the giant who flew away. He threw a half-cut knife, and then drew the last pair of blades from the knife box beside him, determined in his heart that he had to make a pair of holy silver blades for himself when he had time."Go to hell!" Rico rushed forward for me to make up for the giant to kill it. "Gawain, we can't hold it anymore!" Lena exclaimed, "What should I do now?" "Three heads were found on the right Giant, one head is twelve meters high, and the other is ten meters high." Berthold said, "A seven-meter giant was found on the left." Marco Yehui reported.

I looked back in Alan’s direction and found that he had carried the boulder into an open area, only more than 20 meters away from the gap. In this case, it was obviously impossible for the giant on our side to interfere with him. Up."Squad leader Rico, let's withdraw!" I turned to Rico and shouted, "These giants are irrelevant!" Hearing this, Rico turned and glanced in Alan's direction, then nodded immediately: "Okay, withdraw." After confirming the goal, we immediately turned around and flew away from the giant and started to move in the direction of Alan. Then as long as Alan plugs the gap, the fight back can declare victory...

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