You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Ah!!!" Allen let out a loud roar, and slammed the boulder he was carrying into the gap with all his strength, Boom!The ground around the gap shook, and the wall was also shaken with obvious cracks. Under such a momentum, the boulder was firmly embedded in the gap, and all the giants who had not entered outside the wall were counted. Blocked outside.Without the constant influx of giants, the remaining giants in the Troost area are just grasshoppers after autumn. It will not be long before they jump. As far as the wall is concerned, humans have regained their territory from giants for the first time. Humans counterattack It succeeded!

Huh!A yellow letter smoke bomb indicating the success of the mission was launched by Rico, and then he took Alan and retreated."Finally succeeded, your sacrifices were not in vain." Rico couldn't help but shed tears. Seeing her crying, I couldn't help but regret the words that were too fierce to her before, "That, Captain Rico." I After hesitating for a while, he still said, "My previous words were a bit too radical, sorry." Rico gave me a surprised look, shook his head and said, "It's okay."

"Gavin, how much gas do you have?" Leiner asked on the roof. He knocked on the gas tank on the three-dimensional mobile device, and shifted the topic to the most important thing. "I have the remaining gas. No more walls." "Me too." Berthold agreed. "What about Gawain?" Marco also said, "I don't have enough gas." "Go to Ellen first, and then wait for rescue. "I said helplessly, "Pray for reinforcements to arrive before our gas runs out."

laugh!Another giant was dealt with by Captain Lewell. He shook the blood on the blade and said in a calm voice: "I'm out of gas." "What?!" Everyone was shocked, "Slow is coming." It will take a while!" Ian gritted his teeth and said, "Captain, my gas is for you." "I only have a little left." Xu Jingkun said after a backflip, avoiding the giant's grab, and then hooked the anchor. Shoot into the back of the giant's neck and then accelerate the jet to cut it out, sneer!"Oh, it's not there anymore." "Everyone took out the gas to the Levi Special Operations Squad, we retreated to Alan!" Ian gave the order very decisively, and under his example everyone also The orders were executed one after another.Gougou Novel Network

"Arnold, how is Ellen's situation?" Ian turned around and shouted to Amin, "He is terribly hot, and a small part of his body is already integrated with the giant and can't be pulled out!" Amin vigorously He grabbed Alan and answered, looking anxious."Cut off the connecting part, it will grow out anyway." After a lot of work, Rico and the others finally passed through the open area and came to Alan's side. "Cut off directly?!" A Ming couldn't help but hear the words. He hesitated, but in the end he gritted his teeth and swung a knife to cut off the fleshy belt that was attached to Alan, and then passed him from the back of the giant's neck, sneer!Losing the core of Allen, the giant's body immediately began to evaporate.

"Squad leader Ian, Alan has successfully taken out, you can evacuate!" I turned my head and shouted to Ian immediately after seeing Alan being dragged out by Amin, "Damn it! There's no gas, I can't withdraw!" Ian looked grim. Said, "Let's be a bait to attract the giant, you guys find a way to take him away!" "It's not in desperation yet! Don't always think about dying!" Levier used Ian's gas tank to fly and spin to kill a head The giant queen said angrily, "The guy Irwin should be here soon, hold on!"

"You really know me, Lewell." In the next moment, the head of Irvine descended from the sky with the members of the investigative corps, and it was finally over...

Ma!Three shifts today!

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