Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 365 Kenny's Showdown (1)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Huh?!" I couldn't help showing shock and disbelief on my face. I even suspected that I had a problem with my ears or I was dreaming. "What did you just say?" I couldn't help but ask. The upper hidden ability releases a mental barrier and turns on polygraph magic.Lie detection magic is not impossible to crack. It is just that when magic is released, such as the mental power barrier and magic distortion required to crack, there will be magic fluctuations. As long as there is no magic fluctuation on Kenny, the result of the polygraph magic is credible.

"That bastard Rod, he only told me about the power of giants possessed by the royal family five years ago after the recapture battle ended in Trost. It is really cunning and bastard, power of giants. The appearance of is probably also a sign that the restorationists who have been dormant for so long should take action against Wang Zheng. In my opinion, Wang Zheng has no chance of winning at all. If it hadn’t been for the promise of Uli’s allegiance to the Wang family, I would have run away. "No." Kenny sighed, covering his face, the feedback from the polygraph magic was true, he didn't lie.

"Then why have you suddenly changed your mind now?" I frowned and asked, "have you promised to stay loyal to the king? And why do you want to be so sneaky if you want to surrender? Directly take the oppressive forces to hold Leis. King, can’t you just ask the restoring party to cooperate?" "Because I have to keep my promise." Kenny smiled, "I will always be loyal to His Majesty the King, but if there are some irresistible factors or other reasons It is not my fault to let Wang be killed even after I have tried my best, and I have fulfilled my vow and regained freedom. This result is regrettable, but there is no way. Isn't it?" Biquge Book Bar

"Why?" I couldn't help asking. In my opinion, his actions were too abnormal. If it weren't for the fact that every word he said was the truth, I would definitely think this was a trap. "Because I don't want to die yet," Kenny twisted his neck. "I told you before. In my opinion, Wang Zheng has no chance of winning at all. If the power of the giant is still controlled by Wang Zheng, it is at least With the hope of victory, I will continue to serve the Wang family without hesitation, but that power was taken away by Grisha Jaeger five years ago. There is no way to contend with the restitutionists at all, and I really The object of allegiance is Uli, not Rod that trash!"

Kenny’s reason is very valid, but in my opinion, it simply cannot be established."What about your opposing suppression force?" I sneered. "If it weren't for opposing the oppression force, the restitutionists would have already acted on Wang Zheng, so why have they hibernated on the layout? There are also the Central Gendarmerie and the private soldiers of the nobles, the gendarmerie. The number of regiments stationed in the regiment is quite large, and the combined combat power cannot be underestimated. The only uncertainty is the investigation regiment. Why do you think Wang Zheng has no chance of winning?!"

"Five years ago, there were 237 people in the suppressive force. Four years ago, there were 314 people," Kenny said suddenly in an extremely vicissitudes of life. "Three years ago it had 269 people, two years ago there were 197 people, and a year ago there were 269 people. 154 people, now there are only 134 people left, and we are constantly replenished. We are the only team that can gain an advantage in the battle against you. Although the Central Gendarmerie Regiment is not weak, it is The equipment is far inferior to you, and it is simply difficult to compete head-on, and the private soldiers of the nobles are the same."...

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