Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 366 Kenny's Showdown (2)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"If these forces can be twisted into a rope, they may not be able to fight against the restoratives. The key lies in the self-righteous, short-sighted, and idiot nobles! Asking them to exert force is like cutting meat, a little bit The loss just cringes, one by one just wants to take advantage but doesn't want to pay. When encountering difficulties, we want to save our strength and let us go first. When there is a profit, we will leave us and pounce like a mad dog. To them is Wang Zheng It doesn't matter if their fundamental interests are not damaged, then it is not a problem to pay a certain price to recognize a new ruler." Kenny sneered, obviously having been grudges against the nobles for a long time.

"As for the gendarmerie and garrison regiments," Kenny's face was full of disdain, "not to mention that the gendarmerie is reliable, sows are all up the tree! But in terms of purity, they might have been penetrated by you like a sieve. Well, as long as the gendarmes are involved in the action against the restitutionists, don’t think it will be a big success. How do you say it has to be wasteful to reach such a state?” I shrugged my shoulders to Kenny’s speech and became silent. Correct.

"The most important thing is that these shit situations could have been avoided!" Kenny suddenly roared, looking angry. He took off his hat and threw it on the ground, and stepped on it again, as if the hat was Someone’s face is the same, “The scumbag of Rod knew that Grisha Yager was the leader of the reinstatement five years ago! It was he who robbed the king’s giant of power! But the scumbag of Rod Reis did not Telling me such important news, he even fabricated robber attacks and fires to cover up the truth! That bastard never trusted me at all, and sent people from the Central Gendarmerie to monitor me, otherwise you think why we should do this The sewer comes to talk about things when it's a lot of trouble!"

The truth of Kenny's half explanation and half complaint finally solved many of my doubts, but the most important point has not been resolved, "After all this, how are you going to surrender?" I face Said expressionlessly, "Don't tell me you just told me in advance that you want to surrender and it's over. Don't think about the result of both ends betting without losing, show some sincerity, or I won't treat you when the time comes. Keep your hands!" 52 Literature

"It's really straightforward." Kenny smiled, without showing any irritation by my words, "Let's talk about it in detail, then." He paused, seeming to have organized some words before speaking. "First of all, I promised Uli to always be loyal to the Wang family. People must keep their promises. Therefore, the fact that you are the leader of the reinstatement is only my personal speculation. Without evidence, I will naturally not attack you. Then just now. Those remarks are just complaints from my opponents, not betrayal. For newcomers like you who join the team, I always want you to understand the identity, character, combat power, and acting style of each member of the team. Right? Let you know the location of the team's safe house and supply point. There is no problem with this arrangement."

"There are also drawings of the human-shaped three-dimensional mobile device to help you master its use skills faster, as well as some information from the technical department and basic information about the Central Military Police. These are all you need to know." Kenny looked towards I said that I have completely sold the suppressive forces on people, "In addition, I don't know that you are an undercover agent." "It's so simple." I curled my lips. "If you keep your promise, I will definitely do it." Keep you safe." "There is another person," Kenny said casually, "Kelly, that silly woman, I don't want her to die."


The outline of the third volume has been revised, and the pits to be filled in this volume have been written out.One_one|(Fortunately, it is a small pit, if it is gone, it is gone:-P)

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