Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 411 Wang Zheng's Reaction (2)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!After three days of trouble in this way, King Leis finally couldn't sit still, and asked Kenny to take the opposing forces to the house, and in the house, the nobles were cleverly using the art of language to prove The other party is stupid, brain-disabled, waste garbage, living is simply a waste of food, it is better to die early and reincarnate as soon as possible. The language art fair depends on the physical factors of both parties to determine the end time.Not only the nobles, but those nobles' subordinates were also not idle in the upper meeting. They all extended their cordial greetings to each other’s family. Every three sentences would reveal that they had had trouble with the female members of the other’s family. The close relationship described is very lively and harmonious.

boom!A loud bang on the table came from the conference hall, accompanied by Rode’s roar: "Enough! Up to now you have not argued a result, it is a waste of time! The most urgent thing is to remove the giant of armor as soon as possible. And the super giant is in our hands, and at the same time we must recover the giant power from Alan Yeager! Quickly list me a charter!" His Majesty’s anger silenced the audience for a few minutes, but then again There was a quarrel.

Can the investigation corps enter the royal city? Whether the investigation corps takes care of the giants and super giants of the armor, and how to deal with the investigation corps.How to distribute the power of the giant? A series of questions the nobles quarreled for another day, and finally determined the action plan under the strong suppression of Rhodes: "The investigative corps entered the royal city to receive commendations, and the oppressive forces waited for the mobile hand to capture Allen. -Jaeger, then let His Majesty the King regain the power of giants, the super giants and giants of armor will be handed over to the gendarmerie, garrison corps and part of the investigating soldiers, and we will discuss the ownership of their giants."

"Ah, those proud pigs have finally discussed the results." Kenny, who had been impatient after receiving the order, stretched out and said, his tone was full of disdain, "The group leaders told I come to the meeting, and the others disband." Kenny quietly put my monitor spell card in his pocket, and then stepped forward. Sterling reached out and patted me on the shoulder, and then followed Ken with the team leaders. Nepal, the others are scattered.I silently took out my notebook and pen to start recording. I already knew the members of the oppressive force very well, and I should decide who will die and who will live.Standard Literature

When Kenny arranged the plan, he put it in great detail, so that I could respond to it, and he deliberately transferred those people with bad habits to deal with the investigative corps, and transferred people with good character such as Sterling. Peripheral vigilance, so that you don't have to be restrained when the rejuvenation is sent, it is really ruthless and decisive!It is hard to say that it is lucky or unlucky to have such a commander on the stall. After all, he sacrificed those who deserved to die.

After obtaining the information, I quickly rushed to the reinstatement camp to pass the news, and at the same time received new information from the reinstatement group: First, Yani had agreed to take refuge in us, part of the factor was because of Xu Jingkun’s existence, and the other part was. The defeat of Reiner and Berthold made her recognize reality.Of course, as a condition, we also need to help Yani rescue her father in the future, and before she rescues her father, she cannot be allowed to engage in a battle that would reveal her identity. This condition is not excessive, and we naturally agreed.

All current actions are under the control of the reinstatementists. The investigative corps left a normal squad and then marched towards the king city. The reinstatement forces have also been deployed in place, and it is only awaiting action.I don’t have to worry about this, but Yani’s intelligence gave me a headache: “We originally had four people. He was called Marseille Jalibard. He controls the giant of Equat and is our captain.” “He is now here. Where?" "...We were attacked by a giant. He was eaten by a giant to save Lena. The identity of the other party is unknown."...

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