Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 412: Unexpected Appearance

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!The most feared thing in planning this kind of thing is the instability factor, but fortunately, according to Yani, the opponent should not be able to master the hardening without any guidance. It is still a matter of how much combat power can be displayed by the giant of Question mark, this gave me a lot of relief, and the giant armor and the super giant also used their own examples to prove that the power of giants between group forces is not invincible. If the opponent is inside the wall, you should know how to stand in line.

On the second day after the investigative corps entered the Wall of Hina and stationed there, an unexpected news came from the Wall of Rose, and it swept through the wall like a storm. I couldn't sit still anymore-a large number of giants appeared in the southwest of Rosette's Wall!The Garrison Corps immediately sent troops to check on this issue. No results have been obtained. Commander Picksis is currently not on the front line. The person in charge is Kach Lobov, the commander of the Western Military District Division of the Garrison Corps. The ability and character are good. People understand like Picksis.

In such a crisis, the nobles were rare and efficient. They immediately sent orders to bring the giants of armor and super giants into the city, preparing to seize the power of the giants, but deal with the possibility of the Wall of Roses being broken. Their attitude is vague.As for the restitutionists, in my opinion, this is simply a great opportunity to send to the door, because Yanni has already provided information on this. The emergence of this situation shows that Marais has sent someone to investigate the information again. Most of them are the giants of beasts Jike-Jaeger and the giant of Cheli. They should be giants created by injecting giant spinal fluid into the local residents. They have no ability to break goals and are not very threatening.

At this time, if I ask the commander of Irwin to call the commander of Pixis and the commander of the Nair division to make a request to Wang Zheng to send troops to the Wall of Roses, and at the same time arrange for someone to pretend that the Wall of Roses has been broken by giants. , How would those nobles react?Will it take back the Wall of Rose at all costs, or will it order the blockade of Hina's Wall and leave the people inside the Wall of Rose at disregard?I think it's mostly the latter. By then, we can overthrow them and establish a new regime within the wall.It's just that the giant of the beast can't ignore it, which is really a headache.Bibi e-book

It takes time to solve the king's political affairs, and to consolidate the fruits of victory. It also takes time to deploy troops to the Wall of Roses. Now we lack time. There is no threat to the Marais warriors for the time being. It's hard to say.Even if I hesitated whether to initiate a coup at this critical moment, a bad news made me completely cut off the idea, and Wang Zheng's group of nobles all at once unified their opinions and believed that the threat inside the wall should be resolutely eradicated, for no reason. He, because the bad news is that the giant armor and the super giant were rescued, and the soldiers of the three major regiments responsible for guarding them were wiped out, leaving only large and small rubble and a corpse on the field.

"Damn!" After I got the news, I was so angry that I almost ran away on the spot. The two giants escaped, which is equivalent to my previous efforts and the arrangement of the head of Irwin can be regarded as wasted. Even Yani may betray us and return. Marais, the most important thing is that I have lost the advantage of the foresight of the plot and Aldia’s chances of winning have been reduced by nearly half."Damn it, if you don't come early or late, you just come at this time. It seems that you have to fight them." I mumbled to myself. The only way to save the situation is to capture them back or hit them. Return.

Because of the arrival of the giant beast, the good situation has been ruined. Now I can only try to remedy it...

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