You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!One hour after receiving the news, the coalition consisting of the Investigation Corps, the Garrison Corps and the Gendarmerie Regiment completed the assembly and began to march southwest of the Wall of Roselle. After I notified Kenny, I mixed into the investigation Corps. Go to war.It’s really a feng shui turn. A few days ago, we used the carefully arranged geographical position to defeat the giants of armor and the super giants. Now they have the advantage of geographical advantages, and our ancestor giant and female giant can’t fight yet, there is only one The attacking giant has to deal with at least three wise giants, which is extremely difficult.

"Gavin!" Connie and Sasha in the team quickly greeted them. Seeing their worried expressions, I thought something had happened. "The direction of the giant's attack is where my village is." Connie shook hands. Clenched his fist and said, "My mother is inconvenient for her mobility, I am afraid it is more ill-advised." "Me too, the location of my house is also at the position where the giant is attacking." Sasha's face was nervous, and my breathing couldn't help but stop. From the beginning, the idea of ​​allowing them to wreak havoc inside the wall should not exist, and no more tragedies could happen. I hope it is not too late to make up for it.

"I'm sorry to hear such news." I patted their shoulders with a heavy expression, "but there is a saying that they always have to pay back when they come out. We are now on the way to let them pay their blood debts." "Connie and Sasha nodded together when they heard this. I opened my mouth, and when I was about to comfort them a few more words, Lewell suddenly appeared behind me: "Govan, Chief Irvine is looking for you. "Reading for a long time

Covering his face with the cap on the cloak, and then led by Captain Liwell, through the line of defense of Xu Jingkun's class, only then saw Irwin.His mental state cannot be said to be very good, and there is a deep tired look on his face. He grinned reluctantly when he saw my arrival: "Gavin, you are here." "It seems that you can't think of any countermeasures for the time being. Ah." I smiled bitterly at Irvine's appearance, "There is no way. According to the current intelligence at hand, although our chances of winning are very high, the chance of keeping them is less than 30%. Don't keep them. If so, our sacrifice in the future will be great." Irwin sighed, "And Yani, we must defeat them simply, otherwise Yani might lose confidence in us." Another condition was added, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey! I'm not here to listen to the two of you sighing, hurry up and find a way!" At this moment, Lewell suddenly hugged the necks of me and Irwin with his arms from behind and said angrily, interrupting us. Dialogue, "How can it be so easy to come up with a way to win and have less casualties, and to capture them as much as possible." Irvine took Liwill's arm and smiled bitterly, his eyes were a lot of excitement. "It's really impossible. It can only be attacked in four ways." I shrugged, "The main investigative corps took their backs and the garrison corps flanked left and right. The gendarmerie and Allen and some members of the investigation corps feinted frontally, simply and rudely."

"This plan seems feasible, and we don't have a better way for the time being. Let's do it first." Elvin touched his chin when he heard the words, "We got another pair of holy silver blades. We originally planned to give it to Mikasa. Yes, you have to use it now. The Ackerman team is responsible for dealing with the giants of armor, the giants of Alan deal with the giants of beasts, and the super giants will be solved by us. If the giants of car power are also there, the garrison and gendarmerie regiments Deal with it, anyway, it is not very threatening. In addition, the cigarette bomb can also be used to obscure the line of sight and affect the throwing of the giant beast. The plan is tentative." "Okay, you can solve the details slowly. I will return to the team first. Now." I nodded, beat the horse and left. The specific wrangling is a matter of the Corps. It is not convenient for me to participate...

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