You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Roar!" Allen smashed the two giants blocking the way with brute force, opening up an offensive path for Mikasa. Levi's lightning rushed beside Allen, and the two giants were resolved within a dozen breaths.Mikasa squeezed the holy silver blade in her hand, saw the gap between the giants quickly passed through, and took the giant of the armor. At the same time, green runes appeared in her right hand, moving towards the blade at a relatively slow speed. Covering it away is a spell!If a limb is chopped off by this thing, even a demon hunter can't regenerate a new limb, just don't know if it will be useful for a giant's ability.

Seeing Mikasa flying towards him, the Giant of Armor did not hesitate to grab the unsullied giant next to him and block it in front of him. The unintelligible Unsullied giant yelled excitedly when he saw a food flying towards him, and stretched out his hand to grab it. To the goal.Mikasa let out a cold snort of disdain, spinning his body and waving the blade of the giant's palm, and continued to rush towards the giant of armor that had retreated to the edge. At this time, the giant of the car was less than fifty meters away from it, and it seemed to be staying. She couldn't help each other, but Mikasa didn't plan to give up yet, she planned to fight again and capture Lena alive.

"Yeah!" Mikasa increased the speed of the three-dimensional mobile device to the maximum, and flexibly avoided the palms of many giants, and quickly narrowed the distance with the giant of armor. Reiner couldn't help but shrink his pupils and quickly escaped. The giant’s back neck used a three-dimensional maneuvering device to escape in the direction of the car-power giant, but the consumption of continuous transformation made Reiner almost exhausted all his energy, and the flight speed inevitably slowed down, and Mikasa caught up with no effort. He, the holy silver blade slashed forcefully, and Rainer instinctively raised the blade to a block, but the super-hard blade was easily cut off by the silver blade surrounded by green runes in Mikasa's hand, and Lena's right hand was also cut off together. The pain in his arm and soul made Rainer let out a miserable cry.510 Literature

The right arm was cut from the elbow, and blood suddenly poured out. The pain that was several times stronger than expected made Reiner almost fainted, but his tenacity still made him barely resist the pain, and his left hand swung the knife. Forced Mikasa to block, and then took the opportunity to accelerate and distanced her from her, swaying towards the giant car force.Mikasa immediately wanted to speed up and grab Reiner, but he was caught by a giant behind him and squeezed hard. The pain of bone cracking made Mikasa scream."Get away!" At this moment, Levier cut off the giant's fingers and rescued her, and by this time the giant had already rescued Lena and fled away.

I carried Mia on my back and walked slowly towards the direction of the team. In any case, we won the battle. Although Jike and the others escaped, it caused us more than 80 casualties, but we also got it. A lot of information was obtained, and a hidden time bomb like Giant Equan was forced out.The number of more than 80 people sounds like a lot, but this is the total casualties of the three major corps. The number of casualties in the investigation corps is actually in their early twenties. The loss of an outside investigation is far more than this number. The majority of casualties are mainly Let the garrison regiment and the gendarmerie regiment occupy, this fighter should be able to squeeze Yani.

This battle is generally more gains than losses. It should also make the wall understand that there is only a dead end, which is conducive to the operation of the restitutionists, but these are the things that will come later. Now I have to face the giant of E. Needless to say, Mill and the seriously injured Mikasa, this Nizi must have entered rashly.Mikasa’s injury is actually not difficult to deal with. Use a few healing spell cards to stabilize the injury and rest for a few days to heal.The trouble is that Yumir has to do a good job of psychological work for her and let her stay. This aspect is very brainstorming...

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