You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!I moved my lips. I really didn’t expect the giant of Emil to be Ymir. There may be thousands of giants on Paraly Island. I can happen to meet a horse among so many giants and such a big place. The Lai Warriors are a group of four, and they can escape smoothly after eating one of them. There is no such luck.After putting Mia on the ground and telling Amin to take care of her, I knocked Mikasa, who was pretending to be poor, on the head, and then walked towards Ymir.

Looking at Ymir, who was in giant form, Khrista, who was decisively guarding her in front of her, as well as the other bewildered members of the former ninth squad, as well as the soldiers of the Corps with a nervous face holding the blade, I asked Said: "Who can tell me what is going on now? I need to know the ins and outs of things." "Gavin, Yumir turned into a giant to save me. She was fighting with us just now, she is not an enemy! "Herista hurriedly exclaimed, "She can become an ally of the Corps just like Alan!" The soldiers of the surrounding Corps commotion, but then returned to silence.

"What's going on?" The head of Irvine also brought people here. As the highest commander of the current team, Irvine's influence is beyond doubt, and the soldiers have consciously made way for him. Waiting for him to deal with Ymir, "I'm not your enemy." The Giant of Equan said with a low voice. Hearing the words of the giant, the soldiers suddenly became a commotion, "I need to know the reason." Irwin and After an exchange of glances, I said, and I also spoke cooperatively: "Ymir, to show your sincerity, you should get rid of the giant first. We guarantee your safety."

Ymir hesitated for a moment, and then nodded: "Okay." A gust of steam rose from the back of the giant's neck, Ymir detached his upper body from the giant's body, and Christa quickly controlled the stereo The mobile device went up to help and pulled Ymir completely out of the giant's body. The giant's body fell forward, and the expressions of the surrounding soldiers also relaxed a lot."You and Liweiban stay, and the others will clean the battlefield and set up guards." Irvine waved and ordered and began to clear the field. Only a few of us related personnel were left behind.Fun recitation book

"Now you can talk." Irvine said, "Why help us?" "Who can I help you if I don't help?" Yumir looked nonchalant, "If I go to Marais, it will be my fate. You can only be eaten one way, staying inside the wall can at least survive, and there is my dear Herista here, right?" "The way you look makes us completely unable to trust you." Wen you said blankly, the invisible aura began to oppress Ymir, Ymir had no resistance to this, and soon drops of cold sweat broke out.

"Oh~" Ymir finally sighed, "Well, for the sake of seeing Khrista, I will tell you everything." A man from the Eldia Rebels from the wandering children in the Marais shelter Selected, impersonating Ymir to help them develop their power and live for others like a puppet.Until this rebel army was discovered by the Marais Public Security Bureau, everyone was arrested and sent to Paradise Island, and then injected with giant spinal fluid to turn into a giant. He fell asleep in an endless nightmare for more than 40 years, until it happened. Only after eating up the giant Marseille did he get relief.This is Ymir's life experience. After all, she is nothing more than a poor person, although things are a little weird.

"From the day I regained consciousness, I vowed that I will live for myself from now on, and no longer live for others, no one can influence me!" Yumir said firmly...

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