Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 420-The True Identity of Khrista

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Everyone in the first nine classes couldn't help but open their mouths in surprise. They were very surprised and surprised at Ymir's life experience. The head of Erwin was still expressionless, but his eyes looked at me quietly. After seeing me nodding to him to indicate that Ymir was telling the truth, he said: "We will believe your statement for the time being, then we will ensure your safety now, but you also need to accept our supervision."

"I understand." Ymir nodded, and then turned his head to Khrista, "but there is one more thing now." She said, "Khrista, do you remember our appointment when training in the snow mountain? When I disclose my secrets, you also have to disclose your identity and truly live for yourself." "Herista?" He and Connie and the others suddenly looked at Herista with a surprised look, and they didn't expect her to have it too. Hidden secrets, the series of things that happened today is beyond their expectations, even I didn't expect this.

"I..." Khrista looked tangled, twisted his clothes uneasy, and made up his mind to speak for a long time: "My real name is Cistria Reis, the illegitimate daughter of Earl Rod Reis. "What?!" I couldn't help my pupils shrink when I heard the words, and immediately exclaimed. The head of Elvin, who knew the true identity of the Lais family, couldn't help showing a look of surprise, "What's the matter with Gawain?" Marco said, "Heri...what's wrong with Xistria's identity?" "Of course you don't know." The expression on my face is very complicated, and I feel like I can't face Xistria.

Regardless of the way in which I lead, the restoring faction I lead has an antagonism to the Reis family. First, they helped Grisha-Yegger to bloodbath the Reis family. Only Rod escaped alive; they also took them away. The ancestor of the giants made the Leis family in a difficult situation; now they have to overthrow the rule of the Leis king.Believe that if Rod Reis is in front of me and knows my identity, he will definitely rush to eat my meat and drink my blood. Under such circumstances, know the true identity of Histria, How can I face her?Single Pen Fun Pavilion

"Rhodes’s true identity is the king inside the wall. The king sitting on the throne is nothing more than a puppet launched by him and various nobles." My voice was very dry, and Xistria was just Rod’s private. Having a daughter, the relationship and relationship with the Rais family is still uncertain. I decided not to disclose to them about the Restorationists for the time being. After I understand Systria’s attitude, I will decide to say or not, and I will now disclose The news was enough to shock everyone.

"I never knew about this." Khrista, oh no, it is Sistria who shook her head blushing in the face of everyone's shock, "I have been helping out on a farm since I can remember. I have never seen my father. Only my mother sits next to a tree and reads a book every day. She does her makeup and goes out in a carriage in the evening. She never helps with work or talks to me. Once I read a book and said that my mother’s children are intimate, just While my mother was reading, she threw herself up and hugged her, but she didn't want her to push me away. What she said to me for the first time was: If I could kill you cruelly." Ya looked sad.

"Things changed three years ago. On the other day, my mother reluctantly brought a man. He claimed to be Rod Leis and said he was my father. He wanted to take me to live with him, but halfway through. I was stopped by another man with someone. He and his father reached an agreement to kill my mother and sent me to the training corps under the alias Krista-Lenz." Xistria said, "I still remember what my mother said. The last sentence is:'You should not have been born in the first place.'"...

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