Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 421: Xistria's Choice

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!After listening to Xistria’s account, everyone couldn’t help showing sympathy. Ymir suddenly hugged her and said, “It’s okay. You still have me now, dear Hister. Leah, and...they, everyone treats you as a family member and a companion. Forget the past and be yourself." Xistria hummed slightly, with happiness on her face. Her smile and tears flowed down at the same time. Everyone from the first nine classes came forward to comfort her, but I secretly relieved in my heart. Very well, Xistria and the Reis family have no feelings, otherwise I will really She couldn't face her anymore.

"Xistria, would you hate them?" I said, Ymir immediately glared at me, some guy who doesn't open or lift any pot. Xistria hesitated, and finally shook his head slightly. "I can't talk about hate, I just don't have any feelings with them." "But will you be sad when they are dead?" I asked, Xistria was visibly stunned, and then replied: "Maybe... There will be a little bit." "Gawain, what do you guys want to do?!" Ymir finally shouted to me dissatisfied, and I smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, but I have to confirm it."

"Confirm what? Can you rule out the threat as a running dog of the Wang family?!" Yumir said in a bad tone, "Hey, ugly woman, if you speak like this, be careful I will let you never speak again!" Connie suddenly said Angrily said, "Gawain is not such a person!" "What are you arguing about?" At this moment, Mia finally woke up, and the tension was eased, "Wake up?" Stepped forward, stretched out his hand and rubbed Mia's head, "Why did you fall into someone else's hand? But I didn't happen to solve the problem that Jike made them have to use you to hold me with you, you will be caught as a guest. "

"I was attacked." Mia said with helplessness and anger. "The strange giant suddenly came out from behind and bit me. I would swallow and lose consciousness before I could fight back." "Then it It also disrupted our formation. Ymir turned into shape just to save me." Xistria also said, "Okay," I nodded helplessly, "Well, do this beforehand, I have I want to tell you more important things, this is also related to Xistria. "Love my e-book

Next, I told them about the restorative factions. After all, we and the Investigative Corps are grasshoppers on a rope. We are both prosperous and damaged. It’s not a big deal to tell them, anyway. The sky is the coup d’état, and the restoringists will be known by then.The ones that should come will come, and telling them now is better than what everyone knows before they know, at least giving them time to prepare.

"Xistria, are you interested in being a queen?" I asked, "The people need a spiritual leader after the fall of the king's government." "Ah! Me?" Xistria was a little surprised, "Of course you too You can refuse." I smiled, "But if you are interested, the restitutionists can also push you to the top, but there is no real power. This is a kind of compensation." Everyone was surprised, Histley Ya hesitated, and then shook his head: "No, Gao Wen, thank you, I yearn for a free life more than the throne. I promised Ymir to be myself. But...if you need it..."

"No, I respect your choice." I nodded to her, "Don't worry, no one will force you what you don't want to do. I have other arrangements for the throne." "I thought you would sit on the throne by yourself. "Header Irwin, who has been silent, suddenly said, and I shrugged: "Not interested."...

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