Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 440 Betting, Lance Allen VS Yani Ymir

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"The quotation is open. Allen and Lance are playing against Yani and Ymir. Come and bet if you are interested!" I suddenly said, and by the way, Connie and Lance who almost fell because I was shocked Thomas stopped, "It's too boring to look at it, let's take a bet, I'll be the banker." "Gawain! When did you arrive?" asked immediately, somewhat surprised, "I just arrived. I used teleport to get up, so you didn’t notice it." I shrugged, "Don’t you bet?"

"I'll bet Tuyani for a thousand lies to win." Xu Jingkun's voice suddenly sounded and opened his head, "The money will be paid later." "We beat three thousand lies and bet Alan and they win, and the money will be later. Here." Mikasa, Amin, and Mia looked at each other and immediately spoke in support of Allen. This kind of bet is not once or twice. They had been broken by me as early as the training corps. They were still Mikasa when the market opened last time. When VS Yani, it's just that I can't remember how they fought in the first place and how they ended up winning.

Someone took the lead, Connie and others immediately joined in. It was not the first time anyway."I'll bet Yani and Umir win by a thousand riss." Jean opened his mouth, and he would fight Alan at any time. "Did Alan hear you? Let me lose!" Mina watched the excitement. It was too serious to shout to the bottom, "Ah!" Allen replied with an uncomfortable growl, letting his hands clasp his chest and sighed with disdain, "I bet Allen will win, a thousand lies, they see The chances of winning are better." Connie hesitated and said, "Me too." Sasha echoed, making her face black.

"I bet Ymir to win, I believe her." Xistria said with a sweet smile, "I also pressure Ymir to win, one thousand ris." Marco put his hand on Jean's shoulder and said , To make his face look better, at least his friend is on the same side as himself.After a lot of bets, most people are still optimistic about Allen's side. After all, Yani's side is still at a disadvantage, and it seems that the chance of winning is not great, unless there is a turnaround.Jiuzhou Chinese

Bang!Just like when we placed a bet, Yani once again defeated Allen and Lance’s combined attack, Ymir took the opportunity to sneak attack Allen, leaving two scratches on his back, and then quickly After retreating to the tree, the two sides fell into a stalemate again.Yani’s female giant didn’t condense any weapons, but hardened most of her legs and hands and pierced them, perfectly demonstrating the theory that her body is the best weapon. Its lethality is more powerful than that of Lan. Si's double knives and Allen's punches are not weak, even better.

Lance quickly compared a few gestures to Allen. This is the internal sign language of the Restorationists, which means the double-headed snake tactic. It is suitable for use in two-to-one. The double-headed snake has two snake heads. If you hit one, you will get the other. Biting is usually when one person first pretends to attack the other and then violently initiates their hands. Their upright gestures are obviously bullying Yani and Ymir can’t understand, and it also shows that they are taking risks."Ang!" Allen nodded, and then rushed towards Yani with a stepping footstep, trying to trap Yani in a hug. Lance also activated at the same time, and both swords slashed at Yani.

Yani sideways avoided Allen’s grapple, struggling to get a distance with two knives, the hardened blade and the giant woman’s hardened arm armor exploded sparks, and finally returned without success. Yani's combat experience is so rich. Although she can't understand Lance's gestures, she also knows something is wrong. Naturally, she won't be easily hit, and her tactics have initially failed.The double-headed snake tactic requires the opponent to take the bait, but Yani never takes the bait...

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