You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!At this moment, Ymir suddenly moved. She rushed out of the woods violently. With a wave of hardened claws, she shot Lance and Allen like flying knives, causing them to defend in a hurry. Giving Yanike the opportunity, she suddenly jumped behind Allen, then lifted her knees and swung her legs to sweep out, the most of her right calf was hardened, and she swept towards the giant's head with an unstoppable force. .Allen was swept by Yani's leg sweep before he could react. With a sneer, most of her head was directly kicked. After sweeping the leg, he kicked and broke a big tree before stopping, and Allen was out.

Both sides paid attention to keeping their hands in the fight, otherwise Yani just kicked the head of the giant Alan but the back of the neck. For example, now-after Ymir's sneak attack and preparing to evacuate, Lance's throwing knife suddenly Flew out in a whirl, cutting off the giant's right arm, causing Ymir to lose his balance and fall off. Then he was pierced through the giant's chest with a knife, avoiding the back of the neck, and Ymir was out.In just a few seconds, the two giants were out of the game one after another. At present, only Lance and Yani, who were very experienced in combat, were left in the field. Everyone watching from the tree couldn't help holding their breath nervously.

Captain Lewell and Phoenix, who were also watching this game, quickly controlled the three-dimensional mobile device to take Alan and Ymir off the field, allowing Lance and Yani to play as much as they wanted.Lance stepped back and held the double knives in a defensive posture with one hand forehand and the other back. Yani did not hesitate to launch an offensive. A whip kick slammed into Lance's head, and Lance immediately doubled the sword One block blocked one leg, but she didn’t want Yani to kick her two legs quickly without landing. One leg broke the defense and the other broke her hand. When Langston was missing from the battlefield, she suffered a big loss. Into the overall disadvantage.

Knowing that the opponent would not give him a chance to recover, Lance immediately hugged the giantess's thigh with his right hand, and then slammed the opponent into the tree with force. Lance followed closely and stabbed with a knife in his right hand. One meter above the giantess's neck, avoiding the back of her neck, Yani quickly blocked the blade with both hands, and the two sides fell into a fight.During the wrestling, Yani quickly formed hardened armor on the giantess’s neck and face, and was able to free up a hardened hand knife to penetrate the ancestor giant’s chest to fix it, but suddenly found that her hand was immediately hardened. Locked inside, Lance then violently bit the giantess in the back of the neck.Laoyou Chinese Website

In terms of fighting Lance, Lance is definitely not as good as Yani, but Lance is professional in terms of pacing and tactics. In these two aspects, Yani is still much immature. After a battle, Lance won. .Everyone's reaction was mixed. Mia smiled and came over to give me a high-five, so that her face was black. I should have expected how Ellen would laugh at him. I can foresee how they will quarrel. When watching a play.

It’s very relaxing to chat with your companions, you don’t need to be intrigue, you don’t need to keep a straight face in order to maintain majesty, and you don’t need to think carefully about every word when speaking, so as not to be found flaws. That kind of life is really true. It's too tired, I would rather go to fight with Jike and others than have another throne meeting.Fortunately, Connie and the others did not alienate me because of the change in my identity. They still treat me as a companion. This is what makes me most happy. After all, I really don’t have many companions. The higher the place, the more It's loneliness.

"Gavin, you laughed more times than the previous few days combined." Xistria suddenly spoke next to me, and accompanied me to look at the chattering people in the cafeteria, "During the throne meeting. You never smiled from the bottom of your heart."...

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