Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 443 Mocking with Mikasa (incorrect)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"I didn't say who was jealous, why is it such a big reaction?" I said with a smile, "Is it possible...why!" Before I could finish talking about Mikasa, I stepped on my foot and ran blushing. When I opened it, I hurried to catch up while sucking in cold breath and turning and turning. This Nizi's strength is really getting stronger and stronger. Just now it may be because I was molested because I was too shy and uncontrollable, which caused me to feed myself now. Bitter fruit, half of the sole of the foot is painful, maybe it is swollen.

After giving myself a healing spell card, I quickly took a few steps and grabbed Mikasa. If I let her run away, I still don't know where to sleep tonight!Mikasa struggled twice and gave me a roll of eyes before stopping, holding hands and walking side by side with me, saying that since I graduated from the training corps, I seem to have not stayed with Mikasa like this for a long time. I have been busy. There is not much leisure time to deal with the change of kingship and the Marai warriors.

"Histria said she punched the captain yesterday." I said, reaching out and rubbing Mikasa's head, "I have an idea, let him hit you on my little report before." Mikasa Wen Yan suddenly raised her chin and said proudly. She had never shown such an expression in front of outsiders. I was stunned for a moment, and then raised my hand to give Mikasa a violent shudder: "People are for your good, he You can’t do that if you are more gentle with your own people.” Slightly~ Mikasa spit out her tongue naughty at me, she didn't look like the usual coldness at all, and her cute appearance made me want to kiss him.

After calmly thinking, cautious analysis, and cautious inference, I decided to do what I wanted, because I couldn't kill myself anyway.Hmm~ Mikasa was completely stunned by my sudden attack. I stood where I raised my chin with one hand and kissed my slender tongue for more than ten seconds before coming back to his senses, and then began to respond passively. A minute later, when I let go When she opened her, Mikasa immediately teleported away from the place, appeared ten meters away, blushing like a ripe apple."I know it's wrong now." I pretended to be very calm and adjusted the whole clothes, and my heart was already happy.Sanjiu Novel Network

"Smelly Gawain, big gangster!" Mikasa said puffedly, but with her blushing face, it was more like acting like a baby. "Why stick your tongue in?" "It's not that I haven't kissed, this It's the daily life between lovers." I shrugged and said with a smirk, "Last time you weren't the owner...huh." Mikasa immediately teleported back again and covered my mouth with his hand, clearly now here. Only the two of us knew what happened last time and she wouldn't let me say that it was mostly girls' shyness at work."Well, I won't say anything, just take me to a place to rest." I took away Mikasa's hand and rubbed her head and said, Mikasa beat me a few times before pulling. Raised my hand and walked towards the resting place.

The resting place was in one of dozens of wooden houses. Some of the wooden houses had lights on and others were dark. Mikasa led me into a dark wooden house and then lit the oil lamp with holy flames. Zi dispersed most of the darkness in the room."Gavin, you can rest here first." Mikasa said, but there was still a little blush on her face, I hummed, and then began to check the environment in the wooden house-there is only one room but the size is big enough to put it There is a wardrobe, a bedside table and a bed. The quilt on the bed is neatly folded, and the toiletries are placed on the bedside table. The environment is good.

I went to the closet to see if there was a change of clothes, but when I opened the closet, I saw a dress and a few sets of underwear worn by girls, and a few sets of investigative corps uniforms stacked on one side...Boom!Mikasa suddenly rushed out from behind me and closed the closet door, blushing and shouted, "Gawain is not allowed to watch!"...

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