You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!I couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then I sensed the residual breath in the room before reacting: "This is your room?!" Mikasa blushed and gave a hmm, and then he was silent for a few seconds before explaining, "No. There are extra rooms. The houses here are just enough for one of us before." "That's it." I smiled, stepped back and sat on Mikasa’s bed, ignoring the only dress and several sets of underwear in the closet. Who would know that this is a girl’s room, without any jewelry and cosmetics, and no girlish decorations. It is so simple that I can't help but feel sorry for Mikasa.

If you think about it carefully, this situation seems to have nothing to do with me. After all, I brought her into the training corps, and it was under my influence that she joined the investigation corps. Although the life of the corps is pretty good, but in terms of clothing and The accommodation is very monotonous, and Mikasa does not pay too much attention to personal enjoyment, so the current situation is the same.Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel guilty for Mikasa. She gave so much for me, but I didn't care much about her life because of my busy schedule, and owed her too much.

"Gawain, what's the matter with you? Are you unwell?" Mikasa saw that I was not looking good when sitting on the bed, so worried, she stepped forward and held my hand and asked, "I'm fine, but you worked hard." I grinned reluctantly. She smiled, grabbed Mikasa's hand and pulled her into her arms, "Tomorrow, I will take you to buy some clothes and daily necessities, you are too simple here." Mikasa was stunned for a moment, and then she nestled on my chest. He whispered: "It's okay, as long as you are there."

Mikasa’s words made it difficult for me to control my feelings for her. I lowered my head and kissed her, and at the same time stroked the buttons of her clothes with both hands, "Huh~" Mikasa's eyes widened, but did not proceed. Escape, but began to respond rusty to me, and the clothes fell off one by one, and soon there was only a white tube top and a pair of thin underwear left on her body, but I was planning to go further. When the knock on the door suddenly sounded, Mikasa blushed and pushed me away as soon as he heard the knock, and then covered herself with a quilt like a frightened deer.Variety Literature

A few veins quickly appeared on my forehead, and my murderous gaze immediately looked at the door, wishing to beat the visitor violently. It is just that I will come at this time if I don’t come early or late. It’s so special!If it wasn't for the bastard at the door, I could kiss Fangze!"Gawain, go open the door." Mikasa stretched out her smooth feet under the covers and kicked me lightly. I gave a bitter smile and stood up and walked towards the door with a full face of discomfort, feeling that I already felt The identity of the person who arrived was Ellen, who didn't know what happened to him.

"Gawain?! Why are you here?" Alan cried out in surprise after I opened the door, "Isn't this Mikasa's room?" "Don't you know that there are no extra rooms?" I turned angrily. He rolled his eyes and said, "Let's talk, what's the matter?" "Ah oh." Allen had an expression of understanding, either he was prepared for this situation, or he didn't know what would happen if he was alone in the same room. , I think it's mostly the latter, but if this guy hasn't said important things, I will still find a reason to smoke him without hesitation.

"That... it's like this," Allen said after a few seconds of silence, "I'm going to fight back soon, but I feel that my fighting skills are not strong enough, although I have learned a lot from Senior Lance. He has made great progress, but he has been repeatedly defeated in the duel with Yani. I originally planned to ask Mikasa for advice, Gao Wen, do you have any good ideas?"...

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