Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 445 Alan's Difficulties and Solutions

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Be specific." I said with a frown. Although I was very upset by the good things being interrupted by Allen, I can still tell the priority of the matter. The victory of the Wall of Maria is about Eldia's second The national fortune of the empire and the future destiny of all of us should not be sloppy. Let's step aside our personal emotions.

"It's..." Allen thought for a while before repliing, "In many cases I can see Yani's movements clearly but can't dodge her attack. Sometimes I can't even see her movements." "Is that so? "I touched my chin. I have encountered this situation before when hunting alien species on the earth. My solution is to continuously train for combat so that the instinctive reaction of my body is faster than that of my brain. You can see the opponent's movements with the corner of your eyes, but Alan doesn't have enough time to train now, so he can only make it quickly, and Yani's speed is not as fast as an alien.

I thought about it quietly for a while, and suddenly thought of a training device I had used-the magic modified version of Wing Chun Wooden Pile.But the one I used before seemed to be alloy, otherwise it would break.In short, this thing consists of several very thick wooden sticks connected to a big wooden stake. When one wooden stick is attacked, the other wooden sticks will be driven by the agency to rotate and hit the attacker, which can not only rectify Alan but also help him. Crash training, that's it!

Thinking of this, a devilish smile appeared on my face: "Allen, I do have a method that can help you quickly improve your reflexes, defenses, dodge speed, and ability to resist attacks, and this method can be said to be for It’s tailor-made for a very resilient person like you, but the process will be a bit painful, can you accept it?" "I..." Alan shivered uncontrollably when he heard the romance, but didn't know why he was like this, then He showed a firm expression, "I accept, in order to become stronger, to help everyone, no matter how painful I can accept." "Very well, come with me after breakfast tomorrow, and finally don't eat too much." Smiled at Alan and (Nu) Shan, reached out and patted him on the shoulder and sent him away.Girls' Novel Network

When I returned to the room, Mikasa was already wearing a dress and sitting on the bed with a crimson face and looking at me. Seeing her reaction, I knew that it was impossible to go further today. Even if it was possible, I didn’t have time. After all, the Magic Revised Mujin I have to spend time making the pile. If I don’t get it done today, I won’t be able to take Mikasa to buy things tomorrow."Oh~"!I couldn't help sighing, there was really no free time at all, "Gawain, next time..." Mikasa said immediately when she saw this, obviously he would be wrong, but I would not be so stupid to explain, and nodded with a smile. : "Okay! Now put on your shoes and go get something with me."

After fixing the wooden stakes, I took a bath in the bathhouse and put on my clothes. I hugged Mikasa and went to sleep. What surprised me was that Mikasa was only wearing underwear when she slept. Well, it feels so good. As for how it feels good. ?It's not underwear...

After having breakfast early the next morning, I took Allen to a clearing in the woods, where a two-meter-high wooden stake was erected."This is the training you are going to carry out, Allen." I said after making a slap in the face of the wooden man. Allen suddenly showed an expression of disbelief: "That's it? Ha, Gawain, stop joking, say Seriously." "You go over and punch it and hit the crossbar." I shrugged, looking indifferent, Allen pursed his mouth, and walked to the wooden stake and punched it, and then it was miserable. Called and knocked to the ground by a few bars.

"This thing is called a wooden peg. When it is attacked, it will counterattack." I watched Allen, who fell on the ground and hit his stomach and leg, curled his lips and said, "When will you be comfortable? It is qualified to block or dodge its attack."...

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