Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 446 Changes in the Wall

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Allen, if you want to make progress, don't be lazy and play tricks. I have something to do, so I won't stare at you." I cast a healing spell on Allen lying on the ground, and then pulled him away. Get up, "Hi~, does this thing really have a way to defend and evade? I can't even see where its attack originated." Allen said with a pained face, I patted his shoulder, and then went up. Before hitting the wooden stakes at Alan's speed, Wing Chun was hit again, and then again at twice the speed. Now Alan has nothing to say.

"It is not enough time to teach you the moves now to master and apply them to actual combat, so you can use the skills you learned before to deal with it. It will help you to master the skills. Come on!" I laughed to Allen. Allen squeezed a smile that was uglier than crying at me: "Don't worry, Gawain, I will work hard." I waved to him and walked to Mikasa. The next step is to go shopping with Mikasa. Now, this place is not far from the Stourheis District. I have not been able to stroll around the commercial street there a few times in the Stourheis District.

I heard that the duke had to travel in eight carriages before in the wall, coupled with dozens of guards and a housekeeper. This was considered to reflect the majesty and nobility of the nobility. Of course, it was a matter of the imperial regime. Now the old remains. The nobles are all living their lives with their tails clamped, and new nobles like me are temporarily incapable and not interested in engaging in such scenes, so Mikasa and I rode one horse each and rushed to the destination.The scenery along the way is still good. After riding for more than an hour, we arrived at the destination. The towering walls are still standing, but the soldiers standing guard at the inner gate have been put on the uniforms of the enthroned.

"Leader!" Everyone knows what I look like in the restoring party. The soldiers on duty recognized me at a glance, and immediately saluted and greeted me loudly, so that the eyes of the surrounding civilians were on me, my face Nodded to them without expression, and then quickly pulled Mikasa away from the crowd, getting rid of everyone's curious eyes.It’s not good to be famous. I’ll be recognized wherever I go. Fortunately, my disguise magic is considered to be good. After giving myself and Mikasa a simple disguise, I returned to the street again, and even changed my hair color. , Now even Alan and others are hard to recognize us.Biqugek

The first thing is to go to the Dark Silver Chamber of Commerce to withdraw money. After all, it is impossible to go shopping only to the shops opened by the Dark Silver Chamber of Commerce, and since the establishment of the National Security Bureau needs to reorganize the intelligence network, the owner of the small shop may not know me now It’s better to get things done now than embarrassing then.It is also worth mentioning that now the "Rees" as a currency has been discontinued, and the "Mark" newly launched by the Empire is gradually replacing the "Rees" as a new currency. The value of the mark is set at five times that of the Rees, 50 marks. My head is printed on the banknotes. Now everyone really knows.

"Gavin, you are a celebrity." Mikasa waved the fifty mark banknotes in his hand and said with some novelty and excitement. I responded with a wry smile: "Ma, fortunately, I will be able to disguise, otherwise I will be unable to I'm out." "Hey~" Mikasa took my hand, "Let's go Gaowen." In the first half, I took Mikasa and wandered around the commercial street. In the second half, it became Mikasa pulling me. Sure enough, it is a girl's nature to love shopping, even Mikasa is no exception.

The current Stouheis District is more prosperous and tidy than before, and it is much safer. The existence of black streets and garbage dumps has been completely swept away by the army. In the past, Wang Zheng had no spare power to purge. Now the Empire But they will not tolerate their continued existence as rotten sores, and they are all used as training objects for the army, making many areas within the wall a new look...

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