You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"First of all, we need to confirm the issue of command authority," I said after Irvine announced the start of the meeting. "Our team is currently based on the investigation corps, supplemented by the airship unit and the artillery unit of the National Defense Force. It is believed that the head of the Irvine Group should be the commander-in-chief of this recapture battle. If the commander-in-chief is killed or temporarily loses command ability during the war, I will replace him, and then Han Ji. Do you have any objections to this arrangement?"

"The Wehrmacht has no objection." The representative of the Wehrmacht immediately stated, "Further...the airship unit has no objection." Lance also nodded, "In that case, let's start the tactical discussion next." Irwin said in a timely manner. Said, "This evening the airship has carried out reconnaissance in the Higanshina area with high-altitude telescopes and found that the enemy is currently stationed above the inner door of the Wall of Maria. The number is currently three. The other hidden enemies have not been discovered. For tomorrow Do you have any opinions on the battle?" Everyone was silent for a few seconds, and then began to discuss in a low voice.

"Is there a way to use the airship troops to send troops to surprise them?" Mick asked after touching his beard on his chin. "According to the information I know so far, the warhammer giant is impossible to dispatch in Marais, so we There are only four giants capable of facing at most. As long as you fix the three people on the wall, there is no need to worry about the remaining one." "But we didn't get to them quickly to fix them, and we couldn't let the soldiers directly Jump down from the airship, right?" Lance frowned and said, "Even if we can reach them quickly, we are not sure to fix them before they transform."

"How about using guns to launch transformation inhibitors in the airship to fix them?" Han Ji asked, "No, then the range and accuracy of the guns are not enough, so don't count on it." Kenny said sternly, "You might as well be like this. Try airdropping narcotic bombs." "Is the airdropping inhibitor okay?" Han Ji touched his chin thoughtfully, "No way, the inhibitor does not have a gas form." Xu Jingkun denied, "That's it." Han Ji sighed. He said, "That is to say, there is only one option for frontal attack." Feiku Novel Network

"If we attack from the front, the first thing we have to face is the sling of the giant beast. I think everyone should be very aware of the power. If we simply charge, we will not be able to get close to it." I said, "And that The guy might also throw Berthold out as a cannonball, and then transform when he flies above us. That might be powerful enough to cost us a lot." "There is also the high-temperature steam of a super giant, which consumes We can't get close at all until we exhaust our muscles, we can only passively get beaten." Han Ji echoed.

"Gavin, listening to your tone, you seem to have a way to deal with the giant of beasts?" Irvin keenly grasped what I wanted to express, "Yes," I nodded, "I have been with The giant beast has been thinking about ways to deal with it after the first war. In short, the difficulty of the giant beast is its large attack range and high lethality. In this case, we can find something more than its attack range. Larger and more lethal weapons to deal with it, such as machine guns and artillery. The airship is equipped with a machine gun to interfere with it and provide shooting elements outside its attack range. The artillery is responsible for solving it, in order to have a good range of fire and avoidance. With a three-dimensional mobile device, it will definitely stand in an open area, which is an excellent living target."

"So we have to divide our troops into two ways, one way is to close the gap, and the other way is to stay behind the giants of the beasts." Irwin said, "Govan, your plan is very feasible, but The point is that we don't know the attack range of the beast giant, but we can only take a gamble."...

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