You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!In the next meeting, we also determined the response plan after being attacked by the giant beast and led some people to act as a reserve team. Later, I will use the giant spell card to pretend to be the ancestor giant to drag Rainer, Allen and Ymir cooperated with the members of the investigative corps to deal with the possible brainless giants and solve the car-powered giants, cutting off their retreat plan.Before dawn the next day, under the advice of Amin, the team set off in the dark to avoid the battle with the brainless giant and quickly approached the target. Before the sun rose, we finally arrived at the Wall of Maria.

"The airship and artillery units should be careful to hide. Airship One will report the results of the investigation." I said to the Spell Card, and I got a response after a few seconds: "Airship One reported that no enemy was found. Repeat, no enemy was found. , Only the burnt-out fire was left at the scene." Irvine and I couldn't help but stare at the words. After several seconds of silence, Irvine spoke: "It should be a giant of car power. In the dark, we could not If you find it, you can't stop it even if you find it." "Received, Airship One, go back to your place." I nodded helplessly.

"The enemy is dark and I know, but there is no other way. I can only see the trick. Anyway, plug the gap first." I sighed, and Irvin pulled the rein, raising the blade with his right hand and commanding loudly: "Investigate the Corps, charge!" "Yes!!!" The soldiers responded together and loosened the reins. Hundreds of war horses immediately led them towards the Wall of Maria. What was once prosperous but now is in front of you. People have gone to the empty town. That is the place where Alan and I and others once lived. Today, this is the place where we will fight the enemy. In a sense, we are also fighting at home.

"Everyone puts on a hood and uses three-dimensional maneuvering!" Halfway into the town, Irvine ordered immediately. Everyone immediately pulled on the hood and shot the hook anchor from the horse, flew towards the wall, and prepared to board. Wall, leaving only some recruits to look after the horses."Don't be nervous, Allen, everything is planned." I said beside him at the same speed as Allen. Allen hummed softly, and the tension eased a little, "You will follow us in a moment. Just fine, we will guarantee that you will not be attacked." Xu Jingkun also said, and Allen nodded.Dream Literature Network

After a whole team was above the inner door of the wall, the scout team dispersed and began to search the surroundings to eliminate hidden dangers."The ashes of the campfire are still warm. They have just left." Han Ji checked the extinguished fire and reported to Irvine. Irvine nodded, then turned to look at Mick, who has a particularly sensitive sense of smell. He has the ability to smell a huge breath out of sight: "San Mao, is there anything to find out?" Mick was called San Mao because he had three hairs on his chin, lips and forehead. He is rarely called by his name.

Mick has long been forced to get used to his own name, and immediately replied, "The other people's information is a bit weak, but the breath left by Lena is still stronger. He should be hiding near us." , The range is no more than 30 meters." "Thirty meters? But there are only air and walls around here. Sanmao, your nose won't fail, right?" Han Ji immediately asked in disbelief, "Hey, my nose Never make a mistake!" Mick said in dissatisfaction immediately, "Leiner should be hiding in the wall, near the door so as to make a sneak attack." Amin suddenly interjected.

"Inside the wall..." Irvin frowned, "Leave him alone. Gao Wen, Xu Jingkun, Phoenix, Mikasa, you take Allen to block the outer door first, and then come back to deal with Rainer."...

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