Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 452 The Wall of Mary Recaptured (1)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!The once-popular Higanshina district was deserted. The wooden houses built by the people had been dilapidated, and the ground was overgrown with weeds. A gust of wind made the wooden houses creak, as if they would collapse at any time.While controlling the three-dimensional mobile device, Allen looked at the familiar and unfamiliar scene on the ground with complicated expressions. Feelings such as nostalgia, sadness, and hatred came to his heart, making him clenched his fist. After all, it caused the scene in front of him. It happened to be the people he had lost his companions-Reiner and Berthold.

"Go ahead, Allen." I reminded in a low voice. When Allen woke up from the memory, he took a deep breath, nodded to me, then controlled the three-dimensional mobile device to fly outside, and then lifted it up. He bit down hard with his right hand, boom!A dazzling yellow lightning suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a large amount of magic power gathered, and the body of the giant wrapped Alan in it. "Ah!!!" The attacking giant raised his head and let out a roar, and then pressed his hands against the gap outside. Both sides knelt on the ground, and his whole body began to harden. A few seconds later, a translucent blue giant statue blocked the gap.

Bang!Seeing the success of the blockade, Xu Jingkun immediately fired a green letter smoke bomb indicating success to inform Irvine, and Mikasa and I dragged Alan out of the giant."Alan, how do you feel?" I asked, "No problem!" Alan's expression was no longer nervous, and he nodded firmly, "It's just...the cloak was not saved after the transformation, and it has been left in the giant's body and cannot be taken out. "I use mine." I immediately took off my cloak and put it on Alan, and helped him put on his hood. "Thanks Gawain." Alan immediately showed gratitude, and I waved my hand. : "It's okay, let's go back."

The next step is to deal with Lena. Our advantage lies in knowing that he has an ambush and has a way to counteract it. Besides, we are crowded."I've made sure that Reiner is there." Mick stretched his finger to the prescription spot on the left side of the inner door and said with a certain expression, "His smell came from there." "Get the inhibitor." Irvine waved his hand and said, "Lewell, he will leave it to you." "Well, don't worry." Lewell nodded blankly, and then accepted the transformation restraint from Han Ji. Potion, "Let Alan lead him over for a while, and leave the rest to me."

"Allen, don't move." I said while putting a thin layer of magic mask on Allen's face. Everyone was watching. After a few seconds, the magic mask was solidified. It became a mask, exactly the same as Ellen’s face. I nodded in satisfaction, took off the mask from Ellen’s face and put it on my face, and then took out a spell card and put it to Ellen’s mouth: "Say Two sentences." "What is this?" Allen was stunned. "It's okay." I took back the spell card and pinned it to my neckline. When I spoke again, it was Allen's voice: "Now Guess who is true?" Yue e-book

"Received!" Rainer heard Alan's voice clearly, and heard the sound of jets heading towards the inner door. He immediately drew his knife and slashed himself, then knocked off the cover and flew out from the hiding place. !" He clearly saw Alan's figure, as well as the opponent's expression of astonishment, and at this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew down from above, and Lena's pupils did not shrink, and he quickly stabbed an object in the opponent's hand. The moment before entering his neck, the transformation was activated, boom!A flash of lightning appeared out of thin air, the body of the giant of armor began to form, and at the same time he reached out his hand to grab Alan, but Alan suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"Lewell!" Irvin's eyes widened and he couldn't help but yell out, but the dazzling yellow light blocked everyone's sight. Soldier Liwell didn't know his life or death for a while...

Although I really want to cheekily ask for a recommendation ticket, I need to ask you to leave for work for the next five days. At the same time, I also need to think about the next Mary’s Wall and the outline of the fourth volume. Ask for a recommendation ticket one_one|

ps: I will stop here for another five days. I hope you won't beat me to death.^ε^

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