Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 453 The Wall of Mary Recaptured (2)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!When the yellow light appeared on Lena's body, Levier felt bad. A sense of crisis tempered between life and death immediately enveloped him. Levier wanted to use teleport for the first time, but suddenly found the magic of chaos. Existence made him unable to teleport, and also made him miss the best time to escape."Hey!" Lewell made a decisive move to protect the vitals with his arms and prepare to carry him hard, but just then a figure rushed quickly and kicked him away at the last moment. Lewell's eyes widened in shock and saw clearly. The face of the visitor, but the subsequent explosion masked his voice: "Kenny!!!"

Yellow lightning and explosions pierced through the three-layer magic shield that Kenny quickly constructed, and then hit him fiercely. Kenny's right arm was immediately twisted into a weird shape and broke. After three ribs, the impact force made Kenny hit the wall again, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then his body fell down."Kenny!" Levi rushed to catch him quickly, and flew him to the wall, "Levi...little bunny, I saved you again, last time in the slum...without me you Just starved to death, you owe me twice, haha!" Kenny looked at Liwell, spit out another mouthful of blood, raised his right hand and put two fingers up and said with a strong smile, Liwell looked complicated.

"Old guy, don't just die like this. If you die, I won't be able to pay you back." Lewell put Kenny gently on the wall platform and said after using a few healing spell cards to him , "Don't worry, I can't die. Cough cough, hurry up and fight for me." Kenny coughed twice, and Lewell nodded silently, looking at the giant of armor below, and a strong murderous aura was released to the surroundings. , So that everyone in Leviban who was going to talk to him couldn't help but fight a cold war.

"Lenna!" I was shouting on the roof of a house thirty meters away from the giant of armor. When it turned its eyes, I lifted off the mask on my face and the onomatopoeia on the collar. Spell card, "Aren't you going to capture and take away the ancestor giant? I am your target!" I said, making a cut in the palm of my left hand with a blade, and then squeezed the giant spell card.boom!A large amount of magic power suddenly gathered from all directions, and the collision of magic powers of different attributes triggered a yellow lightning, and flesh and blood began to form around me, forming a giant body and enveloping me.Love Literature Network

This Giant Spell Card is made by Lance's spinal fluid extracted from his body after using armor liquid and weapon liquid. It has also been treated with ice blasting stones, so I can use the ancestor with armor and weapons for five minutes. The power of giants.The appearance of this giant is six to seventy percent similar to mine, with black hair and black eyes. In Lena's eyes, I should be the master of the power of the ancestor giant, and their ultimate goal.

In the body of the giant, it is like wearing a layer of biological mecha. All kinds of consciousness can be transmitted almost without delay, but the pain is greatly weakened. In addition, I seem to be able to control the giant to speak: "Ah... Rainer... come and have a good time!" Faced with me who could talk when I became a giant for the first time, Alan felt 10,000 points of crit in his heart, "Ah!!!" Giant of Kai roared in response to me, Allen felt a lot of balance suddenly inexplicably.Just as the giant of armor was about to come forward to fight with me, a figure suddenly jumped down from above and took the giant of armor directly.

"He, it's mine!" Lewell wielded a pair of knives and slashed fiercely on the back of the giant's neck, leaving two deep knife marks. Then two more bursting spell cards were dropped and exploded. After opening the back of the giant of armor, Rainer hurriedly manipulated the giant to protect his weakness, but I took the opportunity to deceive and use a grapple to lock the giant of armor...

Forget it, I'm afraid that everyone will be beaten to death, so let's ask for four days. I posted it today, and ask for a recommendation ticket~

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