You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"But if we rashly attack the people without sufficient reason to understand, it will only cause civil war." Irvine said calmly, "We must stand on the moral high ground." "So we have to let them jump on their own. Come out." I smiled cruelly, "What if they knew that the investigative corps had been hit hard, and successfully repelled the invaders and blocked the door, and all the commanders including me were killed, what would happen if they needed support? It is the most important ancestor giant who is here to report. The female giant is willing to fall to them. What will Zaclay do at this time?"

"The strongest combat power has been hit hard, and the pinnacle of power is right in front of him. Zaclay will not let go of this opportunity." Irvine nodded and said, "But he can't control his current power. Inside the wall, so he can only look for allies. Those corrupt bureaucrats, conservative nobles, and some little people who are dissatisfied with their loss of interests are his best goals, and they happen to be the targets we want to eradicate." "Zacre's existence is just right. You can draw them out and kill them all at once, so that we don't have to hit them one by one." I snorted softly, showing no mercy to the enemy.

"Then start preparing." Irvine touched his chin, "What do you plan to do with Jike and Pique?" "Do you have any good ideas?" I asked, and Irvine took a deep breath: "I suggest you let them go." "Huh?" I couldn't help but stunned. "Reason." "We can't let Marais fall too fast. Eldia needs time to rise again. During this period, Time is necessary to let others attract the attention of countries around the world for us." Irvine stared into my eyes and said, "The power of giants is Marais' support, and we cannot completely take it away."

"This..." I was stunned again, and my heart was full of surprise. As expected to be the head of Irvine, this wit was truly extraordinary. He had already begun to look at the world when other people just kept their eyes on the wall. Sure enough, the traverser is not able to cover everything, and the wisdom of others cannot be ignored."In what way are you going to let them go?" I asked. "I don't plan to let them go. It was the people Zaclay sent to mix in with us and let them go." Irvine pretended to be helpless. The expression replied, and he did not hesitate to throw the pot to Zacre, which coincided with my idea.The second Chinese website

"But we can't just let them go." I touched my nose and said, "We still need to leave them a psychological hint, by the way, brainwash them and open a back door so that we can control them when necessary, but only Once." "Then it's over to you and Xu Jingkun." Irvine got up and said, "I'll go to appease the investigation corps and tell them the plan of action. Let Lance take care of the task of disguising." "Okay." I nodded and stood up, "Irvin, the position of the prime minister will be vacated after Zacray is over. This is what you originally deserved." Irvine's action paused: "I see. ."

After that, the Theodore’s accomplice Boll was dealt with, explained to the investigating corps the reasons for the action, detailed the action plan and disguised, and temporarily perfected the camp. There were always a lot of things that were done until very late.During the period, Han Jiban conveyed news to me and Irwin that Jike wanted to see us, and he has very important things to tell us, but I directly pushed the time to tomorrow. Anyway, the initiative is now in our hands. When will we meet? The prisoners are naturally determined by us.

After a one-night rest and breakfast, I went to the place where Jike was imprisoned with Irwin, Lewell, and Xu Jingkun, ready to listen to what he was going to say and brainwash him...

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