Traveling to the world of attacking giants

Chapter 465 Goodbye Jike, the brainwashing begins

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!The basement where Jike was located was very dilapidated. It was only after cleaning up the clutter and moving a bed in. The corner was still full of dust, and the light from a few torches was not bright, making the whole basement very dim. It is very depressing.Jike was lying on the bed with no limbs and looked tired. After we caught him yesterday, we only provided him with a small amount of drinking water, without any food or a good resting environment. It is normal for him to look like this now.When Irwin and I came in, the two investigators who were in charge of guarding in the basement saluted and retired, leaving only the three of us in the basement. Levi and Xu Jingkun guarded the door to ensure the safety of the conversation.

"Ah, Gawain-Ackerman, it's really embarrassing to meet you again in this situation." Jike sighed and said helplessly. At the beginning, he was proud to say that he would meet with me. When I met again at the Wall of Maria, he must have never thought that he would meet with me in this situation."If you want to beg for mercy, then don't open your mouth." I smiled and said, I don't have the slightest affection for Jike, "If you can't say anything of value, I promise to let you experience something. It's called the feeling that life is better than death."

"It's safe here. You can speak up if you want to say something." Irvine said blankly.Jike smiled, as if he didn't even care about the threat I just made. "You should be the head of Irvine, right? I am very sorry for the previous killing of your subordinates." He said, Irvine still remains. There is no expression, just staring at him without saying a word, "Okay." Jike sighed and twisted his neck in distress, "There is no credibility to tell these facts in this situation. Actually, I am from your side."

"Really?" I immediately sneered, "Then how did you betray your parents back then? Grisha didn't teach you to do this kind of thing, right?" "They were actually about to be exposed back then, if you let them continue It is only a matter of time before the revivalists are destroyed. Our family will be sent to the paradise and become giants. So in order to keep our grandparents and to continue the restoration plan, I had to report them." Jike closed his eyes and said with a painful expression. , "I have been living in pain for these years, enduring the accumulation of power, just to make the Eldia people live a good life." Reading book nest

I snorted and said nothing, but Irvin calmly said: "Evidence." "Now there are a group of my people lurking in Marais army. They are left after the country was destroyed by Marais. The subjugators of the country are the volunteers. I can arrange for them to defect to your side." Jike said immediately, "I also have a'Earth Sound Plan', which is basically the royal blood in my body contacting the masters of the ancestor giants. , Manipulate the super giants in the walls to deter the world, and if necessary, you can also let the super giants launch annihilation to destroy other countries."

"The former is a bad check, and the latter is not lacking in terms of use." I said dismissively, "You'd better think about something of value individually, otherwise you won't want to face the consequences." "My value Only after returning to Marais can it be reflected, I have nothing to give you here." Jike said helplessly.

"Really?" I smiled and drew a short sword into his chest under Jike's horrified eyes. Then a series of hypnotic abilities were activated, temporarily restraining Jike's soul, Xu Jingkun also teleported in and started to help. Jike’s brainwashing has begun, and he is about to open a back door to his soul...

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