You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!Jike’s soul is also entangled with some inexplicable existence, but it may be because Jike has the blood of the royal family. His soul will take the greater initiative, and Xu Jingkun and I will be involved in his soul. The process is more difficult.Fortunately, my previous remarks caused huge fluctuations in Jike's mood, which weakened the instinctive resistance of his soul in disguise, and allowed us to make psychological hints and establish backdoors without encountering too much difficulty, and the success rate is not low.

After Kejik made a psychological suggestion that was biased towards the island of Parady and established a one-time backdoor in his soul that allows us to directly control his behavior, Xu Jingkun and I broke away from Jiike’s soul world and brainwashed It has been completed, he will not leave the memory of being brainwashed.After fainting for a while, Jike regained his consciousness. He first looked at his chest in surprise, with no pain or wounds. Then he noticed the three people in front of him, "What happened? How long have I been in a coma." Jike one Asked with a confused face, his eyes softer than before.

"It's about three or four minutes. Ask your heart. You can leave after you recover." I said blankly, "Peak can leave, but you'd better find a reasonable reason." "What's your question?" Jike Still in a state of confusion, "Forget it, execute plan B, go find Pique first." Allen whispered, I nodded, let Jike think that the reason is too flawed, it is better to find Pique to her Yang Mou: It's a good reason to send them back to prevent Marais from falling too fast. Can she still rely on it?

"Wait a minute!" Jike suddenly stopped us, "I want to see Alan and talk to him." "Next time, if I have the opportunity." At this time, I didn't want to be out of line, so I immediately rejected him. Then he walked to the ground without looking back.After brainwashing Pique, Irvine began to arrange for them to leave. I was with Levier, Xu Jingkun, Mikasa, and Ymir after disguising themselves and boarding a processed airship with Lance. I rushed inside the wall, the tattered look of the airship made me worry about whether it would crash halfway through the flight.Weizunsy Academy

"At that time, Mikasa, Levier and Xu Jingkun will leave the airship first. Mikasa and I will be responsible for organizing the armed forces of the restorationists, Levier will be responsible for stabilizing Commander Picksis, and Xu Jingkun will be responsible for secretly protecting Eric and Contact Yani." I arranged, "At that time, we just have to be prepared and wait for Zacley to jump out with a bunch of people, toss them like a beaming clown, and then kill them all."

"But what if they master the situation while tossing?" Lewell frowned and asked, "and they might also have a new weapon." "Impossible." I shook my head and explained. "The military restructuring within the wall has only just been carried out. Now is the most chaotic time. The soldiers of the garrison regiment, armed forces, some aristocratic private soldiers, and some gendarmerie regiments have all been broken up and reorganized. There is no combat effectiveness at all. Coupled with the existence of Picsis, it is impossible for Zach Lei to reach the Wehrmacht in a short time."

"So the military power that Zacray currently holds is only the former Presidential Guard and a small number of private soldiers of the nobles, and we can temporarily pull out the armed forces from the National Defense Forces and reorganize them. The airship forces are still in the hands of Mark, plus It’s not a problem to crush the investigative corps transported back on the airship.” Xu Jingkun answered...

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