You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"In the early stages of comprehensive reforms, there will be a certain amount of confusion, and it is also the time when the top government has the weakest control of the bottom. This time is particularly critical, and only at this time can we implement the plan against Zacre, because before that, he He didn't dare and didn't want to jump out. After that, he was powerless and unable to induce stubborn and conservative members like him. Only when the government was weakest did he dare to jump out and be able to jump out."

"The premise of the action is that we have a monopoly on the source of intelligence regarding the recapture of the Wall of Maria, and grasp the intelligence initiative. Due to the existence of the giants in the Wall of Maria, Zaclay can't send people to investigate the situation of the Corps. , Can only be judged by the dictation of the reporting team we sent. This is the information he has obtained, and the information we gave him was wrong from the beginning. Wrong information can only derive wrong judgments, and wrong judgments. Wrong behavior. So Zaclay’s actions were doomed to fail from the beginning."

"He thought he saw the dawn of victory, but in fact it was just an illusion we created for him, so that he thought he could win, but he was actually stepping towards death step by step." I explained in detail, Let everyone understand the prerequisites of the action, Lance couldn’t help but fought a cold war: “Hey! I didn’t expect Gaowen you to be so insidious, counting people from head to toe. It seems that you will have to pay attention next time when dealing with you. I'm stupid to help you count the money after it's sold." "Get out!" I kicked it immediately, "Be serious, the action is about to begin."

"Okay, okay," Lance took a step back, shrugged and put away his smile, "The whole operation is the worst for me, okay, you won't let me gag me. Is there a name for this operation?" "The fraudster operation" , Start now." I replied with a shrug, and then turned to look forward, and the outline of the Wall of Rose could already be seen, "Open the invisibility circle, the Ackerman team is ready to leave, Lance, get the disguise. "Received." Everyone quickly regained consciousness and responded.020 reading

It took the airship nearly ten minutes to get close to the Wall of Rosette and began to descend. Levier, Xu Jingkun, and Mikasa and I opened the stealth array and jumped off the airship, using a three-dimensional mobile device to avoid the sight of the soldiers stationed in the wall. Ymir reached out and touched the disguise card on his body to activate it. Lance and others checked their camouflage again and began to control the airship’s landing. At the same time, the airship’s control mechanism was deliberately destroyed to increase the effect. The rate of descent suddenly increased, causing the soldiers on the wall who noticed them to exclaim.

boom!The airship smashed into the wall in a crash-landing manner, and various objects were scattered on the ground. The people inside were also seriously injured. Lance's move was a bit risky, but it increased the reality.Nearby soldiers heard the news and hurried to rescue the members of the airship. Lance struggled to climb out of the airship. Two soldiers immediately supported him. "The battle was successful, ahem... but the investigation corps suffered. Seriously wounded, the command team...cough cough...almost wiped out, unable to return on their own, requesting support!" Lance gasped and said, then his eyes passed out.

After confirming the initial success of the plan with the eagle eye technique in the distance, I patted Mikasa's shoulder beside me: "Let's go, go to Mark, it's time to act." The next step is to watch the acting skills of Lance and others. Whether you can fool Zacre, it is also a sure thing in this regard. Now Mikasa and I only need to inform Mark to assemble a force team and wait for the opportunity to take action in the dark...

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