You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!"Zacre, as the prime minister of the empire, you took the lead in treason. It really disappoints me." Eric stared at Zacre blankly and said. Zacley coughed twice and did not answer. His gaze turned to me, "Gavin, was this a conspiracy from the beginning, right?" He laughed, and laughed very sadly, "Let Lance fake the news of your death and lure me to gather people to try Seize power, so you can kill us in the end. From the beginning, I was played by you as a monkey, right?" "If you didn't have that thought, you wouldn't be where you are now." I responded indifferently.

"My plan is not aimed at any one person. I just put the bait out and waited for someone who couldn't bear it to take the initiative to bite." I also stared at Zacley blankly and said, "Daris -Zacre, you should be thankful that the new empire needs stability, so your rebellion this time will not be made public to the people for the time being. We will also push your death to the Malays, and use your death to arouse popular confrontation. Malai’s emotions, so you won’t be infamous for the time being. And they, your accomplices, will be included in the ranks of the corrupt aristocrats of Wang Zheng and be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

Zacley froze for a while, then took a breath, and shook his head indifferently: "It's okay, anyway, I'm going to die." "I'll kill you last, so you can repent first!" Ke opened his mouth, turned and walked towards the nobles who were kneeling in a row. They had already arranged the order of their knighthood, and Eric decided to kill first.

The cold muzzle hit the forehead of a middle-aged man who was wearing a gold-red garb and was kneeling on the ground by two soldiers. He suddenly raised his head and cried out in tears, "Your Majesty, please forgive me. I am wronged..." Bang!Eric pulled the trigger cleanly and ended his life, then walked to the next person to be tried, "Asshole..." Bang!Falling down with a corpse, Eric's movements did not stop, and he continued to walk to the next person with a cold expression.Everyone reads novels

Regardless of whether the nobles begged or cursed, whether they were crying or showing no fear, they were all shot to death by Eric with the "executor".The remaining aristocratic criminals after the execution of eight people finally lost their chances and realized that they had no chance to escape today. Under the shadow of death, they began to go crazy, cursing Eric in the most vicious language. Struggling fiercely to try to resist, but to no avail, Eric still took the gun and executed them one by one coldly. The madness of the prisoners and the coldness of the emperor impacted everyone's hearts.

"If you feel uncomfortable, don't look at it. This is not for you. Go to the back and rest." I squeezed Mikasa's hand and said in a low voice. She looked very uncomfortable, and suddenly held mine. Hand, the impact of this execution scene is a bit too big, after all, it is used to kill the chicken and respect the monkey, and doing so will also help increase Eric’s prestige. From now on, people who know this will definitely not Would dare to look down upon him again.But this kind of scene is not acceptable to ordinary people, and I don't need to let Mikasa finish watching this.

"Go and rest, just have me here." I persuaded in a low voice, Mikasa was silent for a few seconds, and then took my hand harder, and replied stubbornly: "No... I'm not afraid with you. "I wanted to rub her head with a smile, but because of the occasion, I resisted it. I just squeezed her little hand in response, and didn't speak any more.In the field, most of the noble criminals have been executed, only Barthehou and two nobles are left, bang!Another corpse fell to the ground, and the cursing stopped, but because of the angle, a brain mixed with blood splashed on Eric's face, looking a little scary...

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