You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attacking Giant World Search Novels ("!boom!A silent nobleman also fell to the ground, and only Barterhou was left. He had already scared his pants before. His fat body was pulled by two soldiers so that he did not collapse on the ground. Strong urination. Wei made the two soldiers frown.Eric finally walked in front of him and stared at him with no emotion: "Barthe, I have a little impression of you, do you have anything to say?" I also have an impression about Barthes. This guy is in the anime. Appeared in one season. After learning that the Troost area was broken by a giant giant, he asked Picsis to give priority to protecting his fief. He also said that the soldiers and the people are very cheap and not worth protecting, if it is not due to Augustus. I already dealt with him.

Barthou’s upper and lower teeth were fighting, and his expression was terrified, but after a few seconds of silence and looking at the corpse of his accomplice, his expression quickly became sullen, and he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Eric, yours. The reign will not last long! Sooner or later you will be defeated by Marais, even if your fate will be the same as me! You will all go to hell! I curse you, shameful betrayers! The villains who steal the crown! Ushering in the end!"

After speaking in a nearly roaring way, Barthehou panted heavily, his expression changed, ". Are you finished?" Eric asked blankly, and began to fill the gun with bullets. Frozen for a moment, then burst into tears: "I don't want to die, I don't want to..." Bang!Barthou trembled, and the two soldiers let go of him and let his body fall to the ground, "It's you, Zaclay." Eric walked up to Zaclay and took the hot gun. He said on his forehead, he didn't say a word at the beginning of the sentence, did not abuse or beg for mercy, and did not struggle, "Is there anything I want to say?"

"...I don't have much to say. The consequences of failure are as expected. It's just that I didn't expect that I would fail when I acted." Zacley sighed and said fatefully, "I just want to ask. In one sentence, to deal with Marais, let the second empire of Eldia rise and reproduce the glory of the year, are you sure?" "Yes." Eric nodded seriously, "What percentage?" Zacley said. Asked, Eric turned his head and glanced at me, and then replied: "At least 50%." "Then I will have no problem." Zacley smiled, "I'm done with everything I want to say. Right." Bang!Eric pulled the trigger and turned away.Sanjiu Novel Network

"Take care of the corpse." Augustus's expression was not so good, and after whispering to his hand, he stepped to chase Eric, and Mark and I caught up."Gavin, how do you explain today's movement to the people?" Eric asked, "...Just say that the National Defense Forces are conducting military exercises. The purpose is to improve their combat effectiveness as soon as possible and adapt to the new era so that they can be better in the future. Ensure the safety of people’s lives and property.” I thought about it and replied, “As long as the confidentiality work is done well today, there will be no problems. You can make your own arrangements for specific operations.”

"I understand." Eric nodded in response, and then spoke of the lines that had been arranged before, "Also, now that the prime minister's position is vacant, someone with the ability is needed to replace it. The parliament still lacks a parliament to check and balance the cabinet Prime Minister, prevent today’s event from happening again. Head Irwin-Smith made a great contribution to the recapture of the Wall of Mary. I think he can serve as Prime Minister to replace Zaclay. As for the chairperson, Duke William, you are already here. I have proved my loyalty in today's affairs, and the position of speaker is left to you."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Augustus replied, his tone unwavering.The next step is to deal with the incident of the Investigative Corps returning to the city. Lance and others will take the airship to meet the Investigative Corps and then return to the city together, accept the cheers and celebrations of the people, and then the second reform...

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