You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attack on Giant World Search Novels ("!In the process of cleaning up the giants on the island, I also surveyed the various resources on the island, and found that there is no shortage of oil resources, coal resources, iron ore and copper ore, or rare earths. There is a unique product like ice-blasting stone, which is simply a god-given place for farming. It is no wonder that Marais tried every means to conquer the island of Parady, so Marais warriors were sent for this reason.Besides, the most abundant oil resources on the island besides ice and blasting rocks. Although it is not as good as the Middle East region, it is not much worse. This means that Parady Island can also make a fortune by selling oil. Is inappropriate.

Although the Middle East countries on the earth have all kinds of advanced fighters, tanks and other equipment, they all rely on imports. Even if a certain part is broken and needs to be replaced, it must be purchased from abroad, and the experience of being slaughtered by knives and knives can be said. It's tears.But is there any way, all the important production lines are in the hands of others, and I can’t produce any of my own high-end and sophisticated things, so I can only obediently kill them. This is because I lag behind others and are controlled everywhere, so it finally happened. In this situation, when a person is stupid and rich, Aldia must not follow their old ways.

As a traverser from the earth one hundred years more advanced than this world, although I don’t know much about the machine information of the first and second industrial revolutions, I can at least judge what is really useful in this era and can help the country’s rapid development. , Something is purely used to fool the triumphant and trick the other party to pay out of his pocket.And I know very well that the essence of maintaining national relations is interest, but Krance is completely confused about these, and he finds it difficult to understand what he said to me, after all, he has never touched these before.

"Aren't they here to help us and cooperate with us? Why might they pit us?" Lance frowned and asked, while I raised my index finger and shook it."This is not a pit, it is a slaughter. Raise the price higher, clear your inventory by the way, and sell us the useless things at a high price, which can help us become stronger and make a lot of money. Anyway, we also I don't know, why not do it? After all, in their eyes, we are nothing more than hillbillies who have never seen the world. In addition, there are only interests between countries. I will definitely do the same. There is nothing to complain about. "Literature 520 under the pen

"Then what do we do? We can't just get slaughtered like this." Lance asked a little uncomfortably, "I am there." I smiled proudly, "I have basically seen everything they have seen, but they haven't seen it. I’ve seen them. Don’t worry, it’s impossible for them to slaughter us as fat sheep without me." "You also come from the outside world?" Lance asked with some curiosity, but not surprisingly. "I'm from an alien planet." I said solemnly, and Lance immediately sneered: "Alien planet, hey! I believe you have a ghost." Alas, no one believes the truth these days.

During the rehearsal, Rumbah passed quickly. At noon, our specially dispatched patrol fleet notified the port on the radio that it had found a fleet. The opponent was composed of a giant ship and two destroyers. The flagpole was hung on the flagpole. It is not the golden ring and spear flag of Marais, but the flag of the half-round sunrise flying over the black mountains and rivers. It should be the Shields country.After intercepting and identifying each other, the giant ship and the two destroyers finally docked slowly at the port, where the people inside the wall stood.

A wooden plank stretched out from the huge ship and reached the platform at the port. The arrival of Shields from the huge ship appeared in front of us, and the first contact between the two sides was about to begin...

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