You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Crossing to Attack on Giant World Search Novels ("!The first person who walked off the giant wheel was a middle-aged woman in a women’s gray suit. She had black hair and black eyes, with yellow skin. She was an Oriental like Yanto, after all, she was from the East. Well, naturally they are made up of Oriental people.

She is not tall, only about 1.6 meters tall, she is thin, and the smile at the corner of her mouth makes her look very kind, without the temperament of a superior person at all. If you change into ordinary clothes and then stand in the crowd, it will be completely She looked like an ordinary middle-aged woman, but since Shields sent her to serve as the envoy of Eldia, there must be something special.

Behind the middle-aged woman are two bodyguards wearing suits and sunglasses. They are not as tall and strong as some bodyguards used to support the facade. On the contrary, they are only 1.7 meters tall, which looks a little bit biased. Thin, but from the steady level of their walking and the temperament of their bodies, we can know that they are all powerful characters, and their hands are stained with human lives. It is by no means the kind that looks so mighty but actually gets punched by a punch. Inverted goods.

Behind the two bodyguards are the members of the delegation. They are uniformly wearing black suits, and some of them are wearing glasses. They are looking at us and the surrounding environment with curious and surprised eyes. Their expressions are a little surprised. Obviously, I feel that our environment is not at all in touch with backwardness.After all, it was the port of Marais before. Everything belongs to us after we raided it. We did not forget to maintain it during the period, and we also did post-processing. It is not surprising that it looks like it is now. It is a face project.Literary Theory

Behind the members of the delegation, there were also some guards. It seemed that they would also get off the big ship. The other two destroyers had only a dozen people down symbolically. Most of them were still on board and kept Basic vigilance, it seems that the envoy team sent by Shields is all elite.clatter!At this time, the middle-aged woman headed finally stepped on the platform of the port. At the same time, I retracted my gaze and stood side by side with Lance, Allen, Anderson, and Mick, intending to test each other’s abilities. The silent contest has now begun, which will affect the content of subsequent transactions.

The figure of the middle-aged woman paused slightly, her eyes quickly swept across the five of us, and then she walked straight towards me. Such a quick confirmation made a hint of surprise flash in my eyes, but then she suppressed her emotions and moved forward. Meeting the middle-aged woman, she really is not easy.After shook hands, the middle-aged woman smiled and said, "Hello Your Excellency, I am Qiyoumi Yazmabit, the special envoy of Shields, and the leader of this delegation."

After seeing each other's face thoroughly, I couldn't help but stunned for a moment. Her face was actually six to seventy percent similar to Mikasa's mother Yando!But I didn’t show this feeling of surprise on my face. I just responded with a smile after being silent for a second: “It’s nice to meet you, ma’am. My name is Gawain Ackerman, and I am El Diardi. The Foreign Minister of the Second Empire, I will be responsible for the next reception work." Qi Youmi was also stunned after hearing what I said, but then came back to his senses and nodded to me: "It is a great honor, trust us. You will get along with your Excellency friendly."

After a few polite conversations, I accompanied Qi Youmi to the port. The soldiers on both sides lined up in a row with their rifles and raised their chins. The bayonets on the rifles were shining with cold light. Squinting motionless, Qi Youmi's eyes flashed with an imperceptible surprise, and she exclaimed: "Your country's army is very good." "We still have a big gap with other countries in the world in terms of equipment. Can make up for it in other ways." My humble response...

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