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"With all due respect, this list and transaction content in your country really makes me fail to see much sincerity." After a quick scan of the documents, I raised my head and said with a sneer. Qi Youmi was taken aback immediately. Then he pretended not to understand and said: "Why did you say this? Shields has shown the utmost sincerity in helping Eldia this time, but there are still many problems in our country, so naturally It is also a matter of course to help you freely and get some ice and blasting stones in return to improve the domestic economy. This is a win-win situation..."

"I'm not referring to this." I unceremoniously interrupted Qi Youmi's words, "What we need is a production line of various weapons, equipment, machinery and equipment, not just industrial products as consumables; we need real A team of teachers who can improve the level of national knowledge and teach cutting-edge knowledge, not just instructors who are sent to guide but keep all kinds of knowledge strictly confidential; we need your country to help us in the real infrastructure construction, not just take some apprentices There is a superficial face project to fool us; we can allow your country to open factories in our country, but every factory opening must be reported to the Chinese government and approved before it can operate. At the same time, we must use human resources and resources to invest Half of the shares..."

"...We welcome your country’s business exchanges with our country, but the tariffs must be independently determined by Aldia. We grant your country the most-favored-nation treatment at most; we allow your country to establish a consulate on our territory, but the personnel in the consulate It needs to be reported to the Chinese government. The number of armed personnel and the scale of weapons and equipment must be determined and deployed after mutual consultation between the two parties. We do not allow what is written as a military base by the consulate to appear on our territory." I basically negated all the trickiness in the document, Qi Youmi's face can only be described as ugly.

Except for Xu Jingkun, most of the other people in the wall looked blank. They felt that they understood every word we just said, but they didn’t know what it meant when combined. Only the stenographer behind me. Ming looked thoughtful.The high-level performances like Commander Irwin and Commander Picksis are better. Even if they don’t understand, they have a stern face without showing a dazed expression, but the people underneath almost write the word dumb on their faces Come on, this kind of performance was as early as Qi Youmi expected, and it also gave her a sense of superiority, but my performance surprised her.

In fact, Qi Youmi is not very optimistic about the Diming plan. She is just shouting slogans about the so-called re-emergence of Eldia. The reason that really made her decide to establish contact with Parady Island was mainly because it was profitable.The mining of ice burst is only one part of the transaction. In Qi Youmi's view, it is nothing more than this kind of peculiar energy. The real deal is actually hidden in the so-called aid list.

In Qi Youmi’s eyes, the people on Parady Island are nothing more than unseen hillbillies. It’s easy to get them to sign this agreement. As long as the agreement is signed, Parady Island will become Shields’ product dumping ground and cash machine are now.

But who would have thought that among the "hillies" of Paraty Island there should be such a talented person, who saw through the pitfalls in the agreement he had personally drafted at a glance, and said it casually in a flash Brand new solution.If he really follows the agreement he said, Shields’ interests will shrink by at least half, but if he doesn’t agree to the transaction, he will not be able to proceed. Qiyoumi can’t help but doubt the so-called eldia in front of him. The Foreign Secretary of the Second Empire is the real master of the attack, and he can spy on the future...

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