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After taking a deep breath to stabilize his emotions, Qi Youmi reluctantly squeezed a smile on his face, trying to regain a round: "Some of your requirements seem to be excessive. Such requirements may be difficult for us in the Shields country to accept. , We will make amendments to the original agreement and make concessions in some areas, and your country should also make concessions in some areas, so that it will benefit the friendship between our two countries, you say yes, your majesty. "Qi Youmi turned her head to Eric. When faced with my inability to take advantage, she decisively shifted her target. As long as she convinced the emperor, it would also be considered successful, and the emperor could control the foreign minister.

"Your Majesty, the friendship between the two countries is certainly important, but some interests involve the country, so you must not give it lightly, please think twice!" I immediately said, acting like a country for the people, and at the same time gave Eric I stepped up the steps and reminded vaguely that Eric just didn’t have my broadcast in terms of vision and vision. It didn’t mean that he would be worse than me in terms of politics. I immediately reacted to what I said and started playing the ball: " Ms. Bit, I have delegated full power to Gao Wenqing in terms of diplomacy and this negotiation. I will not speak in areas where I am not good at it. I believe Gao Wenqing will handle it."

"...I'm sorry, I was impolite." Qi You Mi touched a soft nail at Eric's place, and could only return to wrangling with me. "Ms. Qi You Mi, relax her vision, on Parady Island But not only is the resource of ice-blasting stones, our oil resources are also rich, and what do you think about our three-dimensional mobile devices? All three models are available for sale, and there is also a thunder gun, which proves to be possible in actual combat. The bone armor of the giant of armor is definitely useful in the battle, do you need to come?" I said with a smile, but started to sell my own things. The alliance that needs each other is the most stable.

"...The concept of zero-sum game in today's world is outdated. The concept of mutual benefit and win-win is the trend of the future. Those who still cling to the old concepts are destined to be crushed by the wheels of history. Only those who closely follow the trend of the times Only the country can develop better. Our two countries should adhere to the principle of peace, mutual benefit and sharing, and adhere to the following five principles of peaceful progress and develop together..." After some wrangling, I decisively began to publicize the principle and use the earth. The advanced concept influences the people of Shields and at the same time pushes himself to the moral high ground.

After a set of principles, everyone in the Shields country was really stunned. Of course, after expressing the idea of ​​mutual benefit, I did not forget to show my fangs: "We can find other people. Countries conduct transactions and cooperation, such as the Middle East coalition forces. I believe they will be interested in our intelligent giant mercenaries. It is nothing more than the troublesome process of establishing diplomatic relations and the danger will be greater, but the Shields country can’t find a second place. It's an island of Paraty. Although the deterrence of giants in the world is declining, smart giants are still the top combat power, and we still have the ability to decide the battle."

After a combination of hard and soft, the attitude of Qi Youmi and others finally softened a lot, and began to treat Eldia as an equal object in their hearts, but this does not mean that they will compromise on the signing of the agreement. How much, after coming up with a revised agreement, Shuangyi started to wrestle with the above content one by one.The most troublesome thing is that they have a whole professional team responsible for negotiation, and the only people Eldia can fight against are me and Xu Jingkun, who are catching the ducks, but at least I am not alone in the fight. .

The negotiation lasted a total of three days. During these three days, I felt as if my brain cells were about to die. Fortunately, the effect was good. Although it didn't take much advantage, at least I didn't suffer a big loss...

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